Hey to all,
I had 2 very strange matches in CL with this team that used only one defender...In both i used 4-5-1V but with different strategies.First was with more focus on defense(normal,counters,high press and mixed passes) and the 2nd one was with hard att high press and long passes.1st match i lost with 0-1 and 2nd leg was 1-1.i attach some prscreens to see urself.But for real isnt the team that uses such an unbalanced formation nearly guaranteed to lose???I tried changing things in the match and nothing happened...I found winning in these matches extremely hard and in the end impossible,which shouldnt be the case here...Especially if u consider the fact that I had also a better team(120% vs 114%).Not by far better but still I had no problem winning teams with 140% while being even lower...The guy is lvl 9 and I am lvl 8,is there any possibility for a bug here?Like he tanks his team between seasons and the game considered him higher lvl?I am mad that i lost but I am even more curious about the cause...Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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