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Thread: Trolled in CL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Trolled in CL

    Hey to all,
    I had 2 very strange matches in CL with this team that used only one defender...In both i used 4-5-1V but with different strategies.First was with more focus on defense(normal,counters,high press and mixed passes) and the 2nd one was with hard att high press and long passes.1st match i lost with 0-1 and 2nd leg was 1-1.i attach some prscreens to see urself.But for real isnt the team that uses such an unbalanced formation nearly guaranteed to lose???I tried changing things in the match and nothing happened...I found winning in these matches extremely hard and in the end impossible,which shouldnt be the case here...Especially if u consider the fact that I had also a better team(120% vs 114%).Not by far better but still I had no problem winning teams with 140% while being even lower...The guy is lvl 9 and I am lvl 8,is there any possibility for a bug here?Like he tanks his team between seasons and the game considered him higher lvl?I am mad that i lost but I am even more curious about the cause...Thanks in advance for any ideas!Trolled in CL-img_0923.jpgTrolled in CL-img_0922.jpgTrolled in CL-img_0921.jpg

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Venc View Post
    Hey to all,
    I had 2 very strange matches in CL with this team that used only one defender...In both i used 4-5-1V but with different strategies.First was with more focus on defense(normal,counters,high press and mixed passes) and the 2nd one was with hard att high press and long passes.1st match i lost with 0-1 and 2nd leg was 1-1.i attach some prscreens to see urself.But for real isnt the team that uses such an unbalanced formation nearly guaranteed to lose???I tried changing things in the match and nothing happened...I found winning in these matches extremely hard and in the end impossible,which shouldnt be the case here...Especially if u consider the fact that I had also a better team(120% vs 114%).Not by far better but still I had no problem winning teams with 140% while being even lower...The guy is lvl 9 and I am lvl 8,is there any possibility for a bug here?Like he tanks his team between seasons and the game considered him higher lvl?I am mad that i lost but I am even more curious about the cause...Thanks in advance for any ideas!Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	80893Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	80894Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	80895

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    What is dead may never lose

    (Just try to cheer you up, not mean to troll you )
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by 112000 View Post
    What is dead may never lose

    (Just try to cheer you up, not mean to troll you )
    Hahahhahahaha i even thought of that and trolled myself so...

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  4. #4
    Famous Cloverfield's Avatar
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    Aug 2016
    Weird formation, you have attached half of oppo's formation.

    Can you post his whole team and the stats of both games?

    It may not be a "bug" but as we are talking about an algorithn mahbe some weird formation mess up the engjne, eg this formation is constantly in attack so no defense needed.

    Too unrealistic though
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  5. #5
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    I also had sometimes games like yours.
    Trying to understand better the game and what is the role of luck to this , I made this thread

    A part from there

    "Wheel of Fortune
    It’s also a popular lucky game and here is my theory about top eleven.
    In every game there is a WoF which choose the most important factor who will affect one game.
    Sometimes it’s the quality but sometimes the WoF ignores the q of the teams.
    Sometimes it’s a good formation but in some other games formation doesn’t affect at all.
    We can see many games where one team is using the most inappropriate formation but the game calculation still ignores it and don’t penalize it. "

    That's what happened here.

    As I can see, all the other factors maybe were good (for your opponent I mean).
    A descent quality, watching the game, made a sub , maybe using down arrows in his MCs, an extra bonus and what else
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloverfield View Post
    Weird formation, you have attached half of oppo's formation.

    Can you post his whole team and the stats of both games?
    There u goTrolled in CL-img_0925.jpgTrolled in CL-img_0924.jpgTrolled in CL-img_0926.jpg
    And this is his current formation so we can conclude that hes an active player
    Trolled in CL-img_0927.jpg

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  7. #7
    Famous Cloverfield's Avatar
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    I see no much difference in posession, so it seems there is no much penalty using this formation.

    Also from stats pov results seem fair.

    Now the fact tat he is active and he chose intentionally to setup this formation is a big "what the f"

    For me it is not a troll result as stats seems fair but unlucky for you.
    But I consider it a flaw of the engine. No such formation could stand in real football, so a massive penalty should be given.

    This season I have some outrageous results from teams that tank and use **** formations, and although they do not want to win, they grub some wins out of the blue against good teams.
    Last edited by Cloverfield; 04-19-2017 at 06:37 PM.
    [First team] Clover 13 - Panathinaikos FC Legends
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloverfield View Post
    I see no much difference in posession, so it seems there is no much penalty using this formation.

    Also from stats pov results seem fair.

    Now the fact tat he is active and he chose intentionally to setup this formation is a big "what the f"

    For me it is not a troll result as stats seems fair but unlucky for you.
    But I consider it a flaw of the engine. No such formation could stand in real football, so a massive penalty should be given.

    This season I have some outrageous results from teams that tank and use **** formations, and although they do not want to win, they grub some wins out of the blue against good teams.
    Yeah exactly we totally agree,it is an unreal situation that the simulation should have had considered.And its a big dafuk since in CL hes a lvl ahead so y use this formation?Maybe he knows smth about it we dont...I also had games with teams using illegal formations-most of em I dominated-but theres no other match I found it so hard to win.

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  9. #9
    Famous Cloverfield's Avatar
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    I would prompt you to send a ticket to nordeus support.

    Just out of curiosity of what they will reply. .

    Will they stand the game saying that such setup is completely rational?
    [First team] Clover 13 - Panathinaikos FC Legends
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    [Second team] Angry Sheep FC

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I remember well that , 5 seasons ago, I draw with Mourinho 3-3 and than won at penalties , using stupid formation ever , 1dc 1dmc 3nMc aml amr 3st , all with up arrows, high pressing, hard, hard attacking, believe or not , was the trolled match ever and first and last time when I won vs him.
    missing T11 old form