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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Top scorer event disappeared

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    @Guido, the forum rules don't allow to share publicly the private conversations that one keep with the support, and this includes the privacity between PMs with the Admins/Devs if exist, so, I have to unapprove the post in a way that, it will stay visible entirely for the mods/admins staff, and I quote the following part of your reply to stay visible, at least for now.

    I can understand perfectly the frustration, still actually I guess nothing can be done, but think that, if there's a mistake/bug, this thread will allow to track the issue and check out in a definitive way if theres something there affecting some accounts.
    i think it's disgusting that Saucy pops along and closed the last thread claiming it was cos of infractions in our posts ? there was nothing sinister at all. the truth is he closed the thread cos of his incomptence and that of Lian too . False promises and lies. well done again. keep up the crap work

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Kris, there was nothing that could not be shared publicly in Lian’s pm. His post was actually quite nice, although it did not contribute anything to a possible solution. I do not understand why he keeps sending me pms in the first place. I prefer discussing this matter openly. As you stated yourself, more people experience the same problem. Closing threads and removing posts does not help the debate. It is impossible for others to understand what this is about, with two different threads and incomplete posts. In my opinion, as a moderator you are not doing a very good job here.

    So I’m asking you kindly, please re-open and merge the threads and restore my post.
    Richie72 and khris like this.

  3.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #33
    Administrator SausyFC's Avatar
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    I've merged these threads.

    Previous one was closed as the thread was related to issues that were being dealt with in PM and included infractions related to Section 2: courtesy and respect. I've reopened now, but let's please keep it respectful and on topic and please keep PMs between those you're working with to sort it. We're trying to get to the bottom of it.

    Now, to the matter of whether or not you've joined the event @Guido: If you see the training button, then you've joined the event as Lian mentioned. Is it possible that you had already joined on both of your accounts this season? Seeing the training button is an indication that you've joined the event, but I take the feedback that it could include some other indicator of having signed up (some text saying you've joined, etc). We've forwarded this on to the team.

    For Richie, as I understand you've been communicating with Lian in PM about your issue and further info about your specific case will be delivered there. But for the future, the event only stays visible into the new season if you have the prize to claim up until the new league campaign begins.

    I apologize for the confusion here.

  4. #34
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guido van den Berg View Post
    Kris, there was nothing that could not be shared publicly in Lian’s pm. SIC
    So I’m asking you kindly, please re-open and merge the threads and restore my post.

    3. Privacy
    Private communications between forum members, moderators, Top Eleven employees, and affiliates or partners of Top Eleven should remain private.

    Forum Content placed in public channels must not include copies of private communications, including (but not limited to) support tickets, emails, private messages and chat logs.

    Just to clarify where's the point I'm talking about.

  5. #35
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post

    3. Privacy
    Private communications between forum members, moderators, Top Eleven employees, and affiliates or partners of Top Eleven should remain private.

    Forum Content placed in public channels must not include copies of private communications, including (but not limited to) support tickets, emails, private messages and chat logs.

    Just to clarify where's the point I'm talking about.
    Bravo Khris, you've just openly admitted that this game is corrupt through and through. that's why you moderators and admin PM us ? to cover up and tell us in secret ? well i'm sorry but i think every member on the forum should be allowed to be made aware of issues. a corrupt rule wow and hide embarrassements
    khris likes this.

  6. #36
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richie72 View Post
    Bravo Khris, you've just openly admitted that this game is corrupt through and through. that's why you moderators and admin PM us ? to cover up and tell us in secret ? well i'm sorry but i think every member on the forum should be allowed to be made aware of issues. a corrupt rule wow and hide embarrassements
    You are just making your own story and interpretation. And be sure that the reason why we the mods answer many questions/discussion that we receive via PM, isn't to expose publicly these messages.

    It's compatible, keep a respect for the private conversations, and point&discuss openly any issue. Do you want me to start opening posts and doing copy/paste of all PMs I have? really you want me exposing people like this?

    And yeah, the public response, could be the same as the private message, but IMO thats about courtesy, is that simple, there's no need to convert this in something personal against the person who try to help you.
    Last edited by khris; 06-28-2019 at 12:48 AM.
    Ludo_Mansio likes this.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    You are just making your own story and interpretation. And be sure that the reason why we the mods answer many questions/discussion that we receive via PM, isn't to expose publicly these messages.

    It's compatible, keep a respect for the private conversations, and point&discuss openly any issue. Do you want me to start opening posts and doing copy/paste of all PMs I have? really you want me exposing people like this?

    And yeah, the public response, could be the same as the private message, but IMO thats about courtesy, is that simple, there's no need to convert this in something personal against the person who try to help you.
    interpretate it as you wish Mister Khris. should not be asking us to PM our problems (only confidential things like manager ids). Not being allowed to solve problems openly on the forum and forced to do it in PMs shows you prefer to hide stuff. Amen
    khris likes this.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Sorry for the intrusion in this thread, but I just have to say that if the intended forum rules have been violated within this thread, then the forum rules should be rewritten.

    In my reading, which I believe is faithful to what the rules actually say, the following post would be a violation:
    Liam answered me with the following PM

    《follows quoted Liam's PM》

    But the following, which happened in the thread, is clearly not a violation in my reading:

    Liam answered that I had failed to join

    I, for one, would happily have "violated" the rules in this way if needed, so I believe that, if It's the intended meaning, rules should be rewritten to the effect that devs' and mods' PMs and support tickets should not be quoted, nor summarized, nor probably even mentioned.

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    Last edited by Massimiliano; 07-01-2019 at 01:12 AM.

  9. #39
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    This is T11 forum for the members, not to report and solve bugs and problem.
    Sometimes goodwill Sausy and Lian try to help members by asking their ID and investigate, but it's not their duty.
    This time they messed with Richie,
    Be careful next time guys.
    And close that thread again.
    Last edited by Ποσιδονας; 07-01-2019 at 07:55 AM.

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