Seems like every match in every competition will be played at either at 18:00 or 17:59 my time.
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DC7EEBAB-A676-49F7-8B04-4D308B91BEAB.jpg 
Views:	157 
Size:	91.7 KB 
ID:	132277
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	E2B236DE-D853-4ACF-98F3-20CCD2201C59.jpg 
Views:	155 
Size:	88.3 KB 
ID:	132278

I checked other groups in CL, all are at the same time.
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1F46F815-0306-4D77-99E9-CDFF1E5E4A30.jpg 
Views:	158 
Size:	72.4 KB 
ID:	132279

I tried to check the Cup, too, but the game kicks me out when I tap to enter the Cup page (which is the other issue I’m experiencing obviously).