last season one of my players won the top scorer challenge but didn't get the reward...
last season one of my players won the top scorer challenge but didn't get the reward...
Last edited by aldepi15; 09-13-2020 at 10:06 AM.
Hi khris,
it's the third or fourth time in a row that i win this challenge and i can assure you that every season i register the very first day.
Yesterday after my last league game i tried to get the reward but was not available and this morning there is no trace of any "top scorer event"
Ok, can we try a experiment? can you register please in the top scorer challange and share the capture that the event shows -as you know it should appear the button to "train" once one joins- so we can track with a 100% trusted source if theres a issue affecting maybe a single server or just few accounts.
Of course here we the moderators are just regular managers and we can not help you with that issue, you will need to contact the support in-game and they will check out the account by their side...
Because of my bad english believe i didn't explain very well the problem, i'm sorry, there is no top scorer event on my game anymore.
I am facing the same problem .
Last season I registered for the challenge and my player won the Top Scorer.
But I am unable to see the event in order to claim the reward.
Any idea how I can claim it as It will be gone by tomorrow
Hello, sorry for my bad english.
Please, help me, How can I contact nordeus to see the problem, since my player did not receive the 30% reward.
I had signed up for the challenge properly.
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ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator