What can Messi do when he hardly gets the ball during the game??? Ur point is totally wrong Arijanit!!! He said he wanted to win and dedicate the trophy to Tito, he did everything he could!!! He made some amazing runs, dribbled past 3-4 defenders more than thrice, but when he passes the ball to some other player asking a return pass, that player loses the ball!!! U can't blame Messi for the last match at least, that draw wasn't his fault.... Martino's tactics have sucked throughout the season, hopefully Enrique will do good... And plus signing of Luiz can strengthen our clumsy defence, Dueluefue(sorry if I wrote his name wrong, I don't know him but have heard he has been amazing in Bundesliga) can do better than Pinto and if Rues agrees to come to Barca(I fear he won't), I will be the happiest fan on Earth while Cat will be surely dismayed, why Cat?