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Thread: Orders: Man to Man Marking and Long Ball Passing

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Thanks for the insight. I assumed you don't want to play man to man unless you have a pretty solid skill advantage. I hadn't thought about it from the formation perspective though.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by bahamafc View Post
    Thanks a ton for the input, Barca.
    You are very welcome. Since you mentioned me in this thread, please allow me to show off for once more time.

    Let not keep a habit by using M2M all the times. It's not a good idea, when you have only three defend players but your opponents have 4-5 offense players. There is no way your individual player (even with triple higher rate player) can cover 2 attackers. M2M should work well, for example, whenever your opponents have three strikers and one AMC. Then, you have to match it with three DCs and one DMC. Or whenever, you decide to match with his/her formation, like 4-4-2C to 4-4-2C, diamond to diamond, and etc.

    Let also look at the screenshot below. Today, my Cup opponent went for 3-2(DML/DMR)-2-1-2, I used diamond. I can easily M2M with whole pitch. My two MCs match up with her MCs; my two DCs mark her STs; and my DMC marks her AMC. My DR/DL are free, so I put red arrow on them so that they can join my AMC and two strikers for the attack.

    If you ever doubted about your order or whenever you don't attend at the match. You should just reset everything to "mix, zone and own half".

    Your result may be vary.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Man on man works well when your players are better than opponent, and of course their forms are good( 7 8 9). Otherwise, you'll pay for their mistakes.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Rome, Italy
    Barca FC
    It's not a show off as under any circumstance, I just want to prove my point here. As you can see below, I used the same formation as my opponent in CL. I also used 6-7 reserve players. Away match 0-8, I used M2M and whole pitch, it seem to be very effective even I wasn't there. The total shots and (shots on target) 36 (15). On the opposite side of it. At home 4-0, I used zone with own half, my team scored only 2 goals...until I showed up around 56' and switched to M2M, then my players controlled the match and scored 2 more goals. The total shots and (shots on target) 15 (7).
    ...what about your player's condition at the end of those matches?
    I suppose this requires a lot of spending of it...

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    ...what about your player's condition at the end of those matches?
    I suppose this requires a lot of spending of it...
    Man on man marking, Long ball, Whole pitch pressing, those orders will spend all of your players's energy.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Rome, Italy
    297 10 minutes i can give it a try, i'll let you know the result (i never used M2M marking)

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Rome, Italy
    Played...but don't know if that experience could be useful: my opponent deployed a "poor" formation, changed roles (DC in place of ST), he lost his GK in first minutes of the match and his sub was a DC....
    Possession was 80-20 % in my conclusion don't think the match might validly be used as an example...
    Anyway, i give some shots of the game:
    My conditions before the contest
    Orders: Man to Man Marking and Long Ball Passing-conditions.jpg
    My orders (pay attention, i changed in "normal mentality" at half of the first time and again "defensive" at half of the second)
    Orders: Man to Man Marking and Long Ball Passing-orders.jpg
    Finally, here's the result
    Orders: Man to Man Marking and Long Ball Passing-result.jpg
    ...and formations
    Orders: Man to Man Marking and Long Ball Passing-formation.jpg

    One thing i noticed is a moderate waste of condition despite my deployng M2M and Whole pitch pressing

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    After I use M2M (zone), the average condition of my players is 74 (78). So I would say not much of a different.

    Keep it in mind, I never said that I use M2M and whole pitch with DEFENSIVE. Attack is my team style (team mentality). The key word is "STRONGER", to me, why should I choose defensive when my starters are way better in rating.

    I am not trying to be smart A$$ here, I just want to pin point what I would do if I am in your situation. About your formation today with your abandoned opponent's team which you won away 0-4. You chose 4-1-3-2 against 4-3n-1-2, all of your players are very close each other, they are pack in short distance (one area) - I should go with mix or short pass. Also, your opponent had three MCs right in the middle of the field. I know those MCs have lower rating than yours, but still they are a soccer player. Eventually, they can't stop your players but at least they still can slow you down a bit. It's all about formation as well. I would use M2M, whole pitch, long pass with 3n-5-2V or 4-5-1V versus 4-3n-1-2.

    Your result may be vary.
    Last edited by Barca FC; 03-20-2015 at 04:39 PM.

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