I took Talisman's advice, used 4-5-1 v against 4-4-2. Defensive down the flanks long passing, counter on.. 2nd half changed mixed passing and took counter off. Won 3-2 against a slighly stronger opponent... Thanks for the info!
10 League Titles
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4 Champions League Finalists
1 Cup Title
I took Talisman's advice, used 4-5-1 v against 4-4-2. Defensive down the flanks long passing, counter on.. 2nd half changed mixed passing and took counter off. Won 3-2 against a slightly stronger opponent... Thanks for the info!
10 League Titles
7 League Runners Up
1 Champions League Title
4 Champions League Finalists
1 Cup Title
Glad that helped, Kylos. Still waiting to hear from Jackers, though.
In my experience 4-5-1V is one of those formations which relies on really good players in key positions. The defensive part is strong and takes care of itself, it is the offensive part which is the tricky bit, and I really didn't get on with 4-5-1V until I got a couple of strong wingers (see this post Special Skills discussion) - with these wingers I can almost put any striker in at the front and the attack flows to the extent that I have about 90% success against any formation that is countered by 4-5-1V.
Last edited by talisman; 08-01-2015 at 12:23 AM.
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...
Glad to see their is a win
here ihave another counter formation for 4-4-2
4-3-1-2. 4 defenders (DL - DC - DC - DR), 3 midfielders (MC), 1 attacking midfielder (AMC) and 2 strikers. With defensive team mentality, focus passing through the middle, pressing style own half, tackling style normal, passing style mixed, marking style zonal and checked both forced counter attack and offside trap.
The above screenshot was opponents in the league, not mine... Though I did lose to him yesterday 3-2(with 4-5-1v)
10 League Titles
7 League Runners Up
1 Champions League Title
4 Champions League Finalists
1 Cup Title
forget dat bullsh0t... what is the recommendation against old mourinho? (3N-2W-3N-0-2)... it says narrow diamond... >>>
HAD MY GREATEST 2 losses from dat advice
btw mate and me always using narrowd diamond against 4-4-2 and the success rate is somewhere above 95%
dat counter database is a little bit outdatet and not up2date imho...