you got few nice things there give me few minutes ill try to describe
you got few nice things there give me few minutes ill try to describe
4-5-1v like we just talked - allways use vs 4-4-2 of any kind vs narrow diamond and vs 4-1-4-1 or 4-4-1-1 if u see AMC in your rival starting 11 or 3ST use 451V
3dc-1dmc-3mc-aml/r-st attacking flanks mixed zonal OR normal flanks long pass zonal if half pitch or full - tweak, try(no red arrows needed)
3dc-1dmc-2mc-aml/r-2st same orders like the last one just add red arrow on dmc
both this tactics will be used vs a very defensive player with 5DC or 2DMC etc...
4-3mc-aml/r-st attacking flanks short red arrows on dl/r VS 451V and most 3MC attack-middle tactics if you encounter vs rivals.
4-4-2 classic flat if u vs a stronger op use defensive flanks halfpitch long pass force counter red arrows on dl dr ml mr
you can do the same with 4-4-1-1 just use mixed attack not flanks and place red arrow on amc
* if you come VS a rival with DML/R dont use wingers just go 4-4-2 4-4-1-1 whole pitch (remember offside trap)
P.s. if you have more questions and im sure u do, it will be more easy if you gather a list in an orderly fashion and not half questions.
One more thing.
You can all so go justdome "leaf" tactics
OR 2ST insted of AMC depends if you want to attack Mid or flanks and more...
lol too complicated... i think ill just use the 4-5-1v against all.
but anyway ill save this it might be useful one day.
thanks for the advice!
no problem
btw all this tactics and formations are based on your specific rooster and on your variety of players
u can go 451v yes but 4-1dmc-ml mc mr -2st can be a good solution as well 4-1-4-1 flat is good allso
4-1-4-1 red arrows on dmc and ml mr normal flanks half short zonal
how do you know? simply look what hes defending and where are his weaknesses
Thanks a lot!!!