Quote Originally Posted by sdw View Post
Reverse tactics are not the countering formations.If he has strong DMC,why you put AMC?Put AML and AMR.The philosofy is to fill your defense according to his attack and use your attack according to his holes in the defense.For an example : he has strong DMC,your AMC is not necessary.He doesn't have DL and DR,so use AML and AMR.Or for an example in the defense : he has strong AMC,always use DMC in that case.Or he has AML and AMR.Use DL and DR without arrows or blue arrows.

Yes, but if the opponent has DR and DL (as the example I was asking) and just 1DC but with 1DMC... then...? 2 or 3 ST? and any AMs...??

I think 3 ST with some kind of wings like ML and MR could be very effective to fight against the example.