This was sad........ I remember I got a call late night from my friend who said,"U remember that guy, O'Connor from F&F." I said,"Ya, that Walker right(I am not a huge follower of Fast and the Furious series, but have seen most of its movies)??" And he said, "He died in a car crash" I swear this was one of the biggest shocks I had ever got in recent times. Then I ran for my phone and checked the whole news. Really saddening and it is difficult to believe.
He was a talented actor and good looking too.(Don't know why, he reminds me of Brad Pitt all the time)
But I agree, dying this way is better than dying of old age coughing in bed. But feel sad for his family, especially his daughter.
Rest In Peace.... We will never forget U.

And what was remaining, his death was followed with Sir Mandela's demise. 2 gr8 losses in a week.