Last edited by khris; 12-09-2016 at 03:51 AM.
And still the plants don't remember what they were discussing.
Here's a troll among trolls.
Man spends stolen $1m on Game of War - BBC News
Another troll shut down
"And I said, 'You have got to stop this now otherwise I pass all this information on to your mum.'"
Fable video game team hunted down troll - BBC News
Extraordinarily cute?
Last edited by LeManiaque; 12-21-2016 at 05:48 PM.
The 7% of the USA citzens (16 millions) think that the chocollate milkshake comes from brown cows
LA SEXTA TV | Más de 16 millones de estadounidenses creen que el batido de chocolate viene de vacas marrones