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  • 1 Post By Alex Chan
  • 1 Post By littledude072

Thread: Player loan system?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Player loan system?

    Have you ever all GK got injury?
    Or got punished 0:3 for fewer than 11 legal player for a game?

    ================================================== ======
    I have a basic idea of a player loan system:

    Introducing a loan market to allow to list players to be loan to earn some money.

    Increase Max year of a player contract from 3 year to 5 years (for example).
    Increase Max player number of a squad from 22 to 25 (for example).

    When the player of his club owner lists that player to loan market, loan applicants should bid a sum that will pay player of his club owner.

    Loan applicants should deduct 1 token (for example) to Nordeus for loaning 3-star player.
    Loan applicants should deduct 3 token (for example) to Nordeus for loaning 4-star player.
    Loan applicants should deduct 5 token (for example) to Nordeus for loaning 5-star player.
    (Token can avoid cheating and also can make game developer make income, hehe.)

    But please do not make it "Loaning player more expensive than Buying player, no matter amount of money or token". It doesn't make sense.

    Say loaning fee for a game season should not exceed 30% of player market price, for example.

    ================================================== ========
    I do not know whether player loan system make the game better (or it destroy the game), but in real life football clubs really have loan contracts.
    Last edited by Alex Chan; 10-26-2013 at 09:21 AM.
    khris likes this.

  2. #2
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    as said on another thread loaning player-player would give a huge advantage to those with multiple accounts on the same server (you know who you are).
    i like the loan players from nordeus idea though. much better than emergency transfers and losing because you lost the auction.
    khris likes this.
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  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    ? and why not!!!! that's the key,,, the key to solution this is "don't give advantage to other players with multiple accounts" so,,,, heyy here we can have a new suggestion^^ I will do it now! (^.^)

    *but I've to tell u that the better way, at now, is to add friends of +level than you, you can have 5stars players that he don't uses cos have only 2 or 3 in his level... that's the only way for now, I use it when I have a problem like u say (injuries usually...).