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  • 1 Post By Sergi Sanchez
  • 1 Post By khris

Thread: Moving Servers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Moving Servers

    I wish there was a way you can move to a different server, i would like to play on the same server as my friend but it's just not possible, it's not a game killer but it definitely takes a load of the fun out of playing this game and there are probably a lot of players on here with the same issue, i just think there should be a way we can move server even if its just the once

  2. #2
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    At the moment there's no way to change your server and I don't think they will create an option like this.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I totally agree this is actually a huge bug that you cant play and assist your friends matches because u on a different server, and ofc u dont start over when you spend serval moneys on the game, welshman i got same problem and i really want them to fix it, its just stupid

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  4. #4
    Rookie Sergi Sanchez's Avatar
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    Bigues i Riells - Barcelona (Catalonia)
    If you know about DB or SQL or MySQL think in this game, you know that is impossible move server, because are a lot of tables indexed, players, etc.

    To make it, all severs will must connect togethers and is very hard, and then all run very slowly. Is a titanic work.
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  5. #5
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sergi Sanchez View Post
    If you know about DB or SQL or MySQL think in this game, you know that is impossible move server, because are a lot of tables indexed, players, etc.

    To make it, all severs will must connect togethers and is very hard, and then all run very slowly. Is a titanic work.
    to an extent, yep, but...
    seeing how they have 'hundreds' of servers as stated by a support rep and khris here
    were guessing they have multiple individual servers per server machine, that shouldnt put an unbearable load on the machines

    i still dont get why theyre not bridged though. if we can send friendlies to other players on other servers and watch it, why cant we support usual matches and stuff
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  6. #6
    Rookie Sergi Sanchez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littledude072 View Post
    to an extent, yep, but...
    seeing how they have 'hundreds' of servers as stated by a support rep and khris here
    were guessing they have multiple individual servers per server machine, that shouldnt put an unbearable load on the machines

    i still dont get why theyre not bridged though. if we can send friendlies to other players on other servers and watch it, why cant we support usual matches and stuff

    i still dont get why theyre not bridged though. if we can send friendlies to other players on other servers and watch it, why cant we support usual matches and stuff[/QUOTE]

    Easy to answer,

    When you make a friendly with other in other server or other server machine, only have keep dates of every team in a server and execute the script and send the result to both servers to see the result. this arent a problem, all is calculated in one server. But if you like make a lot of operations with all servers at same time, indexing all tables, searchings, etc, the memory and the speed of this servers can down. OK if Nordeus use a MEGA SERVER CPD then could be possible, but this is very expensive, only some enterprises can use it, for example banks.

    I like explain that possible is, but need a lot of connections, a good maintance, a good backup or BRS, mount clusters and other things. Too the arquitecture of game then need a change. If Nordeus like contract me, i can do it, i make a lot in real life

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Maybe is complicated change our team of server, but is very easy to have the option to select (like in lots of games) a server to play when we start.
    At now if I invite a friend he start in my server, because there's no problem in the level 1, the problem is with 11 millions of players see hundreds of teams doing a change of server... that can be a caos like is the game, so, as I suggested one day.

    -Nordeus have to put the option, to select a nº of server when we start in the game. And, can be interesting to add aditional info. like the level of the Top Server (or if is a new server, 1st season), in all the possible servers that we can select.
    That's not complicated.

    Too can be interesting add the nº of players per nationality, and will be "we" the players that will have the option to select a server, with more players from our country, and that's = with better schedules.

  8. #8
    Rookie Sergi Sanchez's Avatar
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