Espanol - Spanish
Francais - French
Deutsch - German
Srpski - Serbain
Roumanien - Romanian
Polski - Polish
ру́сский - Russian
ελληνικά - Greek
ภาษาไทย - Thai
I'd like to Bahasa Indonesia here
Congratulation Arsenal!!
Hope these thread could help you, Formation-Tactic and GUIDE
I'd like German, French, Spanish, Dutch and maybe Polish or Russian sections. The current non-english forum sections (except Turkish) aren't a common language or a widely spoken language, so I'd say they should be removed.
نريد اللغة العربية
Still waiting for a German One.
Albanian and German.
Team: Presheva FC
We want spanish forum
Vietnamese please
Sorry about my question but, do you have brains? Why Portuguese's not in that list? Is the 6th talked language in whole world, and do you choose French/Germain/Polish/Serbian/Russian/Greek and Romanian!? Really!?
And please, Top Eleven should do a Portuguese Forum first than other language.
PS: Sorry for my bad english.
Dutch (the netherlands)