I think necessary try to include the market of winter in the game in some way.
Now we can buy daily, in the Market (normal), negotiations, recomendations (almost daily) and scouts...
"But" I will find some logic if, for example, in the middle of the season, in the days 12-13 and 14 there is like a different market style, a time, that should be used to, improve the team in a easy way and correct the fails that, the team had during the 1st season side, too, I count that, is not the same buy a scout the day 1, or the day 20, because after a season will loose a star and when days are passing the scouts of 69T don't reduce the price... so?
I will suggest, create a "winter market" of 3 days duration, with, discounts in the Scout players, wich is the list with more Quality/Value really but same time, as we can not test the players before buy them, many times we wasted 50Tokens to have a epic failer, so, why not have a 3 days offers with 30%-40% discount (what is proportional been middle season no?) and, this too will allow people to have a little bit more margin for the 2nd league leg taking advantadge of these offers?...
Of course more things can be done with this^^