What are your suggestions for plays we see regularly in Real Life Natural People Football that would make good additions to our beloved Fake Digital Bubbles Football?
- Additional defensive plays down the flank. Mostly our TE players get down the flank, make a failed cross in. Very often Real flank defenders must "Shepard" the ball out of bounds to win a goal kick, or attacking player gets held up and deflects the ball off a defender for a corner or throw in.
- Real long ball counter attacks go wrong. Chip over the defenders... But the ball runs too far, out of bounds, or GK can meet it in No Man's Land before the attacker.
- Tactical fouls on break away plays. Right now, some of the counter attack animations are a bit... unrealistic... defenders seem to close their eyes... Real players sometimes bring down an attacker making a break, accepting a card to stop the play.