When you bid 1x in the initial round and the other players are in round 5 without you...
Financial Assistant : " This result is good for getting to the next round"
Exactly, that's all... or a simple instruction "-Well done! you're in he next round, wait till the countdown is over to bet in round 2."
C'mon I m feel bad now when I won a player at round 23 for 24T and the other manager used x3T round doing a waste of 80T or so.
Such advice from Assistant Manager could turn out helpful, especially for newbie managers, who are still unacquainted with the Auction system and how it works. I also see a lot of managers who spend 4-5 Tokens for a single round and end up wasting them unnecessary.
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No, don't - if they're that free-and-easy with their tokens, then we'll have more chance with other players that they've got no tokens to bid for...
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...