Yep, I think is the moment to expand the slots for the positions to have the chance to create more unique players with combinations of SA's of positions that now are not allowed..
Maybe too will be interesting add a 2nd SA to unlock, doing routes depending of the starting/natural position of the player, e
ex: a DL trained to ML-AML ST, as DL should train the SA allowed for DL's and midfield (as DL/DR now use the dmc's area, so next line is the one for MC's ).
I say this cause there are some SAs that for many of us have less value, like PK specialist, this morning talking with Hairdryer he made friendly vs me and went to PKs round, my PK specialis was the only who failed the penalty, so.... ..... ....ejem.
We need 4 Positions and 2 SAs really at this points of the game.
Then going more far away and extending my post I will ask to add in the roadmap for the game a re-calibration for the scores system.
Because lately we see vs teams that have more difference of % a close result and vs teams that have more equal quality, high scores, this occur more often, I understand that to eliminate the higher scores, 12-0 15-0 etc the game has been calibrated to make closer results but the margin has been reduced too much compared with when we face closer AvQ teams.