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Thread: Punishing the manager who doesn't attend 50% of his games

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    If the game lets players reschedule each home match once without tokens, then make players pay 4 tokens to do any further rescheduling.

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  2. #22
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USARABAT View Post
    Okay let's put aside the idea of punishing managers who have a valid reason for not watching some of their game as you have said ...

    The title of my topic was punishing managers who don't attend 50% of the games. thousands of managers fail to watch 50%-75% of their games and continue to promote or at least tank and become more powerful ... should this issue continue without intervention or should Nordeus take certain measures against them ?
    I am not watching my games as I don't think is necessary but I don't think or count myself as an inactive manager. I do log in every day, take care of formation, tactic, condition, moral and so on. Punishing me for what reason? Some of the managers have their games at some very unusual hours so would be very hard for them to watch their games.

    Even in my case for example, most of my games are at the time I am at work so why should I be punished?

    As I've said above, being online at the game is already a bonus for you: extra pack/packs , ability to control better the game, better possession and so on.
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    I am not watching my games as I don't think is necessary

    That's what many managers are doing as well because unfortunately the unfair system made them feel so due to the absence of penalties

    I wonder why T.E. label itself as an online F. management game

  4. #24
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USARABAT View Post
    why don't you like the concept of punishing the absent managers ? in real football, the team who fails to show up lose 3-0 ...

    the current situation of playing between online vs offline manager is not exciting / boring / sometimes unfair ... depends on ...

    What do you suggest to reward the manager who attends his game ? I hope you have something interesting
    So you want to punish someone who cant/wont attend games..............have you really thought this idea through? I think you havent.
    Consider the time zones for a start. Now I dont know if the situation I am in is normal or am I just unlucky .......I live in eastern Australia which is UTC 10 zone and most of my League opponents seem to be from UTC 2,3,4 and 5 which makes it very hard to attend every match. FFS I am not getting out of bed at 3.30am to attend an away match just because my opponent lives on the other side of the world and I wouldnt expect the other bloke to do it either. You want to punish people because of geography , are you really serious. There are much bigger issues in this game than not attending every match.

    I throw this idea in the same box as loaning players ,,,,,,,,,,,,the silly box which is full of half thought out ideas.
    Last edited by John Grant; 04-14-2018 at 01:06 PM. Reason: more info
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  5. #25
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    I suggested some drastic measures but throughout the discussion I realized that it's unfair to punish managers who are busy sometimes or have a valid excuse not to attend certain games at certain times but no body can convince me that a manager have so many valid excuses not to watch more than 50 % of their games !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    T.E. is encouraged to improve the timing of matches and allow managers to chose the best timing for their local match like they do in association which would give them no more excuses for being absent.
    So instead of being narrow minded to criticize the idea of punishing an inactive manager or a manager who fails to attend 50% of his league matches, you should request from T.E. to improve the draw by making it relevant to geographic location of managers and their time zone and ask T.E. to give managers certain choices about the best time for them to play their home game.

  6. #26
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    guys you keep saying its not fair.USARABAT suggests to punish managers not punishment for not supporting 1-2-10 matches.punishment for not being active half or full seasons.
    not being online in your matches doesnt mean your not active.

  7. #27
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    If this idea was changed to punish managers (somehow , I know there is a very minor punishment now which really is a pittance once you get past level 10) who dont even log in each day then you might get some traction with people. The fact of the matter is these are the people who dont care and maybe should have sanctions against them and not those who do log in every day , train players etc but for whatever reason cant attend 50% or more of games. Myself , due to timezones the best I can do is maybe 60%. From that 60% we lose maybe 10-15% due to work and other rl issues so I am now down to or past the 50% threshold that you suggest but I log in each day , collect my crap , train my players , study opposition etc all of which takes over 3 hours every day ( 5 teams currently) which is probably more of a daily time investment than than most I would guess. Besides my teams seem to do pretty well without me watching every game , maybe they would do better if I watched all the time , maybe not as suggested by other posters.

    Now I am really wondering what is your problem , what caused you to post this idea in the first place. It seems you didnt think it through so I might assume you lost to a team that had an absent manager and in a fit of pique started this thread. In that case I can understand your frustration and hence this thread.

  8. #28
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USARABAT View Post
    I suggested some drastic measures but throughout the discussion I realized that it's unfair to punish managers who are busy sometimes or have a valid excuse not to attend certain games at certain times but no body can convince me that a manager have so many valid excuses not to watch more than 50 % of their games !!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
    The simple answer to this is..........get a life away from your phone/computer , maybe you will find out that real life consumes a decent proportion of a persons day and there are certain things in a day that cant/shouldnt be shifted to accommodate a freaking game and I make no excuses for that to you or anyone else for that matter. Why do managers need VALID excuses that meet your standards and criteria before they are able to miss a match ? At the end of the day this is just a GAME used to fill in spare time and be enjoyed and if this GAME has become something else for you , like a WAY OF LIFE, then I would suggest you need to take a break buddy , go outside and kick a ball maybe. I know for me this is just a GAME and doesnt dominate my life and nor should it.

    No , upon reflection I still feel this whole idea, original and amended , still belongs in the silly box and no one has so far shown me any VALID reasons to change that opinion.
    Altiplano likes this.

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