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Thread: Please Tell Us Your Top 5 Issues

  1. #1

    Please Tell Us Your Top 5 Issues

    I would like to gather the top issues the forum userbase has with the game and see what the general mood is. While I am aware of some general complaints, I'd appreciate if everyone had a chance to chime in without discussion being all over the place. Hence this thread.

    Please name your top 5 issues at the moment, regardless of platform (and please mention if it's platform specific, so we know exactly what you mean). The format should be like this:

    1. Name of the issue (platform) - optional detailed explanation of issue and your opinion on it.
    2. Name of the issue (platform) - optional detailed explanation of issue and your opinion on it.
    3. Name of the issue (platform) - optional detailed explanation of issue and your opinion on it.
    4. Name of the issue (platform) - optional detailed explanation of issue and your opinion on it.
    5. Name of the issue (platform) - optional detailed explanation of issue and your opinion on it.

    Please do not:
    • Post off-topic posts that do not include your Top 5 issues. This means one post per person
    • Insult other members or groups
    • Break any of the usual forum rules

    Any posts that don't adhere to this will be deleted.

    After there has been enough feedback, I will collect it and forward it further. Depending on what happens after that, I hope I will be able to at least address some issues on the forums or in the article.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    1- Well known issue, i cant see my best friends games on top-eleven - just let players choose the server when starting up new season until server is full. Like latest CitySim game.
    2- Another well known issue, two games in one hour - make a rule that prevents 2 games beeing schedueled in 1 hour.
    3- A clear explenation to the use of player arrows - im seeing opinions on this forum no facts.
    4- Not the most common jersey layouts in outfit editor - add the most comon and well known layouts, Atletico Madrid, AC Milan, Inter Milan, PSV, Juventus, FC Porto. All have a layout with vertical stripes, let us customize that with our own colors.
    5- The stadium looks too cute - Let the player choose the stadium and facility colors or automaticly paint them with the team jersey colors.

    thank you for reading

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    1 Unable to reject unwanted friendlies (all platforms) - definitely the most urgent issue to be dealt with
    2 Time zone problem (all platforms) - Especially for managers living in Asia, should have a chance to choose one's preferred timezone and maybe it's good to put managers of the same time zone in the same server. It's okay to charge 2 tokens per match for changing the time only if the managers can choose their preferred time zone and starting time for home games. This can actually make managers more enthusiastic in watching live matches and there's much more fun
    3 Time interval between matches (all platforms) - I personally don't care how many matches per day but please, at least a 15 min break between matches
    4 More detail on live matches needed (all platforms) - would be much better if we can see how the players and the ball moves in the field
    5 Improvement of functions (iPhone) - sort by function needs to be improved e.g. we can't sort by position in auctions, and after we make changes to the squad, there's no prompt to remind us to save the changes and I usually just left the page and forgot to save

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    1. Support/ see facebook friends even if we are on diffrent server
    2. See whitch server you are on and change betwen servers betwen seasons
    3. Unable to reject unwanted friendlies

  5. #5
    Dreamer Maxtax's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Athens, Greece
    1. Team Ranking -(at least within servers)

    2. Cup Competition -(has no meaning the way is constructed doesnt simulates any known football competition)

    3. Team balancing and pairing in leagues -more random (not so closed to each other qualities)(the effort of the so called game engine to somehow balance teams), (by limiting access to available players,random factor etc)to be decreased somewhat.

    4.Training -(regarding the 3 levels of trng should be a benefit in gain for someone who trains every 10 min to someone who trains 1 hour, effort rewarding)

    5.U21 players- from academies to be more random (occasional 5* or S.A and why not 16 or 17 years old, even if they cost more tokens and worth it, for full builded academies and high levels at least), the way its now its too predictable and boring and many times useless.

    PS.Regarding 3. its an hypothesis by my own observations, no hard evidence that game working this way, only in case it does,

    Edited to add a..6th!! We should be able to log into TE indepentently of FB, not worrying if, for some reason, we lost FB acount or wish to delete it and create a new one.
    Last edited by Maxtax; 07-18-2013 at 08:19 AM.
    Syed likes this.
    TEAM'S ACHIEVEMENTS(Est.10.5.2011) Season 47/Level ?/League 40
    24 Leagues, 13 Champion Leagues, 6 Cups, 1 Treble.

  6. #6
    Newbie KingsEleven's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    1- Friendlies - can do friendlies only with mutual agreement (Just like negotiations)..I just had to remove 1 friend due to this reason, while drafting this email.

    2-Negotiations - Right now the negotiations doesn't make sense at all, as most times the seller doesnt want to make a sale/ worst case he doesnt even know his player is in negotiation screen, as I understood, the players name automatically comes up in the negotiation screen. instead I suggest the Managers be able to put up the players for sale in the negotiation screen (Prlly you may fix age group/ ratings etc and depending on what nordeus deem fit). I think simply be able to put the player for negotiation will do good result will be a better strike rate in sale actually happenning.

    3- The price for tokens - (I understand it might be a problem in conversion in forex) Right now i can get 500 tokens for 51.16 CAD most people i know use prepaid card for games and not the normal prepaid cards are available for only 25, 35, 50, 75, 100 etc there is always 1$ or 2$ always a waste in a prepaid card. With this the CC company benefits from this. you may want to see how best you can get this done ..prolly introduce a new 1$ option as well may be ...just a thought that the wastage of money is put to a proper use.

    4- U21 Players :- I am of the opinion the U21 player should be able to be included in squad as long as there is space available, without any tokens. Whats the point then investing in the indoor facilities then ? I might as well buy from the auction or may be an internship fee can be charged of 2 tokens instead of 15 tokens currently charged for the U21 players.

    5- Preffered time :- I suggest we are able to set up a preffered time for the matches to be played to facilitate our being able to watch the game. I suggest creating a game time zone=GMT (or any other) and a corresponding local time zone for the managers to chose from. Not sure though how far it is operationally possible ?

    6- Friends - I want to see and support my friend's games in other servers as well.
    Last edited by KingsEleven; 04-13-2013 at 08:14 PM.
    Level 1 - League 1st Place
    Level 2 - League 3rd Place . Champions League- 2nd Place
    Level 3 - League 1st Place . Champions League 1st Place
    Level 4 - League 2nd Place. Champions League 1st Place
    Level 5 - League 1st Place. Champions League 2nd Place
    Level 6
    - League 2nd Place, Champions League 1st Place

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    1. FRIENDLIES - How the hell can any team play a match with my team without my consent??? ( I would like to know whose (dumb) idea was this?? )

    2. LACK OF 4 STAR AND 5 STAR PLAYERS IN THE TRANSFER MARKET - Everytime I go to the transfer market I find only 2-3 5-star players, and even those players are having the least possible quality for a 5-star player. And also if you are looking to buy a DL/ML/AML then let alone a 5-star, you might not be able to find even a 4-star player. I am facing this problem since I started playing this game I understand that this might be because Nordeus wants the players to buy and spend more and more tokens on scouts.

    3.GAME TIMINGS - More often than not my games are scheduled at late night hours and as a result either I have to miss my match or stay up till late. This problem is more common for Asian players, So I don't think Nordeus will do anything regarding this.

    4.INJURIES - 'Your career as a football manager starts hear.' No Sir, I think you were trying to say 'Your career as a doctor starts here.'
    Your best player gets injured for 5 days, what do you do? You don't need to worry, you have got many boosters. You immediately use boosters to heal your player. You play your favourite player in the next match and guess what?? He gets injured again in the 5th minute. After the match is finished you find that now he will be out for 9 days. Now, what to do?? Thinking of wasting another handful of boosters. Wait!!! there is another option , post in this forum, that will also be equally unhelpful (but atleast you will save some boosters). Here the moderators will teach you how all of a sudden, some players become more injury prone and so suddenly in the middle of a season, they start getting injured again and again and again.....

    5.SELECTION OF TEAMS FOR CUP AND LEAGUE - I have seriously got no idea, how the teams are selected for the league. I have got only one friend who's on my level and he too hasn't got any friend other than me. So , I wonder how the other 12 teams are selected in the league. I see many teams 9-10 qualities poorer than my team winning their respective leagues on the same level as me. But, I always get stronger teams in my leagues and have to fight till the end for the league. Because of Nordeus's sincere efforts to shield weaker teams, many 4-star teams are finishing at the same place as a 2-star/3-star team, just because some teams have to play abandoned/inactive teams while others have to play against stronger teams.
    Same goes for the cup- format, a weaker team has greater chances of progressing to the next round because it has to play inactive teams mostly, whereas a good team will have to play equally better opponents from the preliminary round itself. But I wish Nordeus all the very best in its efforts of shielding weaker teams from the good ones, otherwise if they keep getting thrashed by better teams then they might quit playing Top Eleven (Sadly, they'll quit one day inspite of their sincerest efforts..... )

    P.S. : I have got no hope that Nordeus will take any action on any issue that has been listed by players here. I wrote this reply just to entertain myself and others.

  8. #8
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Name of the issue (platform) - All (platforms), Scout list - I'm getting bad players, I want more closer to 7 stars.
    Name of the issue (platform) - All (platforms), Less players from my country, I want to be with more players from my country, I have 1 maximum 2 in League or CL.
    FC Barcelona and Gasi like this.
    Orlova FC - onForum - LIKE Orlova FC - onYoutube - SUBSCRIBE Orlova FC - onFacebook

  9. #9
    Dreamer Maor23's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    1. friendly matches - please for the love of god make it so we will have to accept/reject friendly match requests. it will be probably the most useful thing you can add to this game right now.
    2. injuries - I know you try to make this game realistic but there are too many injuries which make it not realistic at all. there are a lot of injuries in real matches that's right but they also have injury that a player comes 1 match after and good to play.. so reduce the time of injuries if they occur so often.
    3. U21 players - we invest a lot of money upgrading the youth academy so best you can do it let us get decent players out of it and without needing to spend tokens.. maybe you can add a type of player we need so it generates that particular kind of player (ST, MC etc..).
    4. GK bug - as it's not getting fixed even though told long time ago it is one of the top 5 issues that need improving.
    5. friends - I want to be able to support friends from other servers, I have like 100 friends who play this game and they're all on different servers than me..
    SimplySimon, jklm_37 and appie like this.

  10. #10
    Addicted FC Barcelona's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Everything via T11 website.

    1/ the phenomenon of the neighborhood club of friendly grandfathers full of 1 star players, playing outside with no supporters, who are as strong as a team of full 5/6 stars. This, is just a huge problem. We want fair matches, please, not guys under steroids.

    An quick exemple : my wife is 23.8 quality. here is her team :

    Please Tell Us Your Top 5 Issues-01.jpg

    her opponent was 12.3 . His team :

    Please Tell Us Your Top 5 Issues-opp.jpg

    My wife had 2 supporters and watched the match. Her opponent was offline. She bought blue and green packs to perform better, so her players were full health and morale and she have maximum win bonus. Her opponent gets 2 players injured and were not sub.

    Now here we go :

    Please Tell Us Your Top 5 Issues-form.jpg

    Please Tell Us Your Top 5 Issues-rating.jpg

    Please Tell Us Your Top 5 Issues-poss.jpg

    As you can see, she drawn 1-1. And this, is not normal at all. (and no, this is not a vent.)

    2/ Too much injuries, too expensive to heal, not enough red packs.
    3/ Scout list is a real joke, too old, too low, bad positions
    Last edited by FC Barcelona; 04-17-2013 at 05:06 PM.
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