Ive read loads and loads of comments in FB groups of ppl that have loads and loads of daily friendlies -due the new known trick, 0 condition usage = 4XP for a player in a friendly-
It is so annoying so I will ask to downgrade -or have the option to edit the Mou team with different leveled players so, too switch positions and formations/ and save it which could be great to train a personalized tactic vs a specific formation (what the real teams do, or that seems.- -LOL-) before some match.
PPl is deleting friends since then and this need a solution.
I think should not be so complicated to do a editable team and not something that ppl can't use.... because the actual Mou team can't be used to test tactics, too Ive mentioned some times the idea to create there the academie and allow transfers... but.... ?¿