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Thread: TE 2020: Ideas.

  1. #1

    TE 2020: Ideas.

    TE 2020 is coming soon so post here what suggestions or things you would like to implemented into the game.

    Here is my Top Eleven 2020 wish list

    1. New youth player types, 100-120% studs (18 y.o)
    2. You should be able to sign these youth players without cost because you created the youth academy and you deserve them.

    3. Bring back negotiations for the entire season, not just the final week of the season.

    4. Bring in press conferences, this would just be fun to use and you can challenge and insult journalists.

    5. Bring in team talks, at half time, full time and pre and lost match.

    6. Please bring title presentations when you win a trophy, I have said this before but bring an animation or a virtual walkout to your players go up on the podium in your stadium and lift the trophy.

    7. You should get 1 star for every 5 leagues you win, or every 5 CL’s you win or if you win 3 CL’s in a row.

    8. You should be able to contact your players, through emails and give them information or they could send you an email telling you how they feel.

    9. You should tell the players during the game to do certain things and tell them to do things. And you should be able to give instructions to players you are substituting on.

    10. Bring managers in game chat, this would be good so you could communicate with other managers, not just in your associations, if you click on a team, you should see a contact button and send them a message.

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    Last edited by Max; 11-02-2019 at 09:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    -Femenine Monthly Jersey please, Pink exists***

    -The scores calibration is really horrible.

    -League/Cup / cl SL SC particular jerseys that are developed in different levels once we win + titles.

    -Let me mention here how interesting could be redesign the last sponsor contract to reward by titles achieved
    1 seasonal contract rewarding a T. per win + 8T per each one of the 4 main titles
    then its a challenge

    eliminate Asso tokens, and reward throught seasonal contract with targets.
    adding each season a extra, like Top scorer =+8T

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    -Femenine Monthly Jersey please, Pink exists***

    -The scores calibration is really horrible.

    -League/Cup / cl SL SC particular jerseys that are developed in different levels once we win + titles.

    -Let me mention here how interesting could be redesign the last sponsor contract to reward by titles achieved
    1 seasonal contract rewarding a T. per win + 8T per each one of the 4 main titles
    then its a challenge

    eliminate Asso tokens, and reward throught seasonal contract with targets.
    adding each season a extra, like Top scorer =+8T
    I like the idea of feminine jerseys too, they definitely need those.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Preferred time for yorhome games in the leguae, like in the FA

    Player induvidual instructions

    Better game stats, who shot on goal etc..

  5. #5
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    not found
    1. Return the watch ads for packs reset alongside the daily gifts reset and not 24hr cooldown.
    2. Player who get 10 rating in match to be on fire, you only reward hat-tricks and 3 assists but what about GK and DF who keep cleansheet and get 10 rating in match? (Which is really rare & hard to get)
    3. Top assist get +30% passing skill reward just like top goalscorer get +30% finishing skill.
    4. Make the most recent match to let us view the goal highlights. this will help promote this game more. Managers can record the video highlight and put it in their SocMed & YouTube. (No i dont like waste my phone space to record full match, just the highlights tho)
    Sillybq, khris and maloukees like this.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jarharnamme View Post
    1. Return the watch ads for packs reset alongside the daily gifts reset and not 24hr cooldown.
    2. Player who get 10 rating in match to be on fire, you only reward hat-tricks and 3 assists but what about GK and DF who keep cleansheet and get 10 rating in match? (Which is really rare & hard to get)
    3. Top assist get +30% passing skill reward just like top goalscorer get +30% finishing skill.
    4. Make the most recent match to let us view the goal highlights. this will help promote this game more. Managers can record the video highlight and put it in their SocMed & YouTube. (No i dont like waste my phone space to record full match, just the highlights tho)
    Number 6 and Number 3 passed that for ages.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    I agree with what someone said here, you can change the time for your league home match free of charge for the first time and if you want to change it again, then it is 2 tokens.

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    maloukees likes this.

  8. #8
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
    Treble 50 tokens
    League and either cup CL or SL 25 tokens
    League and triple individual player award for league (best rated, scorer and assist) 15 tokens
    League and double individual player award 10 tokens
    League and 1 individual player award 5 tokens

    Remove TOP 100 association award or reduce it
    jarharnamme likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    League champions and top scorer/assister should definetely have token prize (although I have only once won the Top scorer/assist challenge).

    I know Nordeus won’t care but bring back the old auction system and negotiations for the whole season.

    Improve youth academy so we get at least a decent player (close to 100%) for a price that is significantly less than daily offers/recommended players.

  10. #10
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Save and load 3 drill sets. I think most of us use standard drill sets to train bonuses up daily. Will save us time

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