I'm gonna use this post:
to write a thesis about how to change the actual game margins, and the own season RYTHM, to have a compensated game, allowing a 10th BLACK star earned at 180%..keeping the idea about close training for non promoted teams and their 140%+ players -remember that the main market is set at 5*- , so having again PREMIUM PLAYERS of value and for ACTIVES, as the game pretended to have in the V.1 considering the 8-9* as premium ....but same time giving to the ON FIRE the benefit of a SA and allowing a player to win double XP...
This with skill limiits of 180% and some stuffs I shared regarding margins... I go dinner first. lol
-points to mention
-concentrate AvQs... more next to 140
-Fair prices for premium players which should be accessible. -setting max players price to 199T... as are "attribute fixed players that cant be develloped in our own".
-allow 2 SAs for academies