Is there some technical reason why friendlies cant be played unless they are agreed by both managers? Because just about every complaint about friendlies on this forum has been about games being played without consent and yet Nordeus seem to have done nothing about that. The changes proposed will not change my mind about accepting friend request, which is a shame.
How about setting something up like the transfer market page where managers can put up that they want a friendly and when they want to play then other managers can then come in and accept the offer of the friendly?
Thank you Nordeus :')
I really appriciate this.
Again thanks for listening to us!![]()
Well, FINALLY they did something about it. Still, I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I believe I speak on behalf of everybody here - just put a confirmation requirement and we'll all be happy!
As long as you let us play with José Mourinho, thats all fine to me.
Agree with July Fourth, should be handshake or mutual agreement
Do Friendlies provide experience for your players? If so, I would like to see the limit of 2 per day kept in place. This only because someone with, say 10 friends, could conceivably earn 5 times the level of experience than someone with only 2 friends. The limitation of 2 Friendlies per day would even those odds. I don't think it would create a limiting factor on friends you'd want in-game as you can still send and receive goodies like packs and XP.
I think the fest solution would be to insert one simple screen, which requests you seither to accept er reject a friendly.
First off, I am liking the fact that friendly matches are being changed. I would like to propose a few changes. Friendlies should only be arranged when both managers agree. Second I would like to see you can propose a day and time when these matches will take place. That way you have full control on how it effects your players and team. Unfortunately I have had too much problems with friendlies being arranged during my sleeping hours. I have even requested my friends only to arrange friendlies off season. Especially as long as I'm competing in competition, CL and the cup.