So far we have seen some great original designs. But we have also seen very unfair things to go through. Allow me to explain myself.
Each element (shape, symbol, pattern) may have two colors only. Lots of people disrespect this rule just to beat competition.
You may not use any copyrighted images. This is also disrespected on purpose by many contesters.
Gradient, shadows, glow effects. I am sorry but presentation should not matter. Its the idea that counts and people with no experience on photoshop & great designs should get priority reward!
How low can you go people just to win 50 tokens.....?!?!?!
I wont even bother to compete since devs dont stop this incoming scam...
Last edited by Invincible; 03-09-2013 at 07:15 PM.
Here's my 2nd logo:T11LOGO2_zps67bf6ce2.jpg Photo by Barneey100 | Photobucket
Last edited by Barneey100; 03-10-2013 at 09:10 AM.
Level: 6 - Pro - Season 6League: 1st place: Season 5League: 2nd place: Season 2.3rd place: Season 4.4th place: Season 3.Champions League best: Top8Cup best: Top16
Panatha FC
Athens - Greece
League Winner x 8Champions League Winner x 4
Cup Winner x 2
Counter formations, team's orders explained & more - check my Top Eleven Blog Guide
Here's my 3:
Gunners :
I think it will be a better one that already exists in the game..Just a good replacement for Arsenal fans like me.
Gladiators :
I think this one is good because i have friends with club names like "Gladiators FC" and "FC Sparta" and there's no good emblems in the shop to show their it will be with that one.
And last - Wolfs :
Many people like wolfs but there no wolf emblems..So this is pretty cool and also the colors and pattern are uniqe not like in any othe emblems...
So here is it.The best prize for me is to see one of this in the game's shop, not even the tokens so i very hope to be one of the winners!
Seen here many great works!!
Oh and dear admins - if you need me to take off some effects (like inner shadow), tell me please so I will re-do it.Thanks!
Last edited by Labret; 03-09-2013 at 07:51 PM.