wow I just don't get it..won 3 on the spin and now 2 points from CL football
wow I just don't get it..won 3 on the spin and now 2 points from CL football
Palaiseau FC in Sever 46
season 28, level 28
(*) updated at 1-June-2015
competition Played 1st 2nd top4 last win current season(*) League 28 19 6 2 season 27 ..... Champions league 26 7 1 6 season 25 ........ Cup 26 2 2 3 season 7 .......
Not a good example. Difference in ages makes a quite unique difference.
I've played a bit with paint, so don't mind the stats apart from the red unlighted squares:
So let's call them Player A (Kent) and Player B (Stark).
They have the same age, and player 1's value is only slightly far off from player 2's one. There is, tho, a 4 points difference between them, being it 15x4=60 sps difference. Let's take that into consideration.
Now that we know player 1 is a faster trainer (slightly lower value but hugely lower Q), we have to decide:
1-How many stars we want, and overall can, power train one player. Let's say 6*
2-Do we want to add a special ability?
3-Do we want to add a 3rd role?
Those are the main issues, so:
If no.1 alone, then it's only natural to choose player 2: he's already 4 quality points ahead of player 1, so even if he trains a little slower, those 4 points difference will cover for the missed gain over a total gain of 5Q= 15sps x 5 = 75 total skill points, against the 75+60= 135 skill points player 1 would need to reach the same quality. The faster training won't cover effectively for the green packs needed.
If no.1+no.2, we have to look further in details into the training gain difference. So to the difference in skill points needed to reach 6 star, we will have to calculate the difference in gain between player 1 and player 2 on all the type of trainings available, then calculate the difference between the two players over the 50 skill points needed to gain the ability. If the difference is high, you might opt to level player 1 instead (which anyways would be very rare for just adding a special ability, but not impossible)
If no.1+no.2+no.3, then if there is a quite average difference in training between the two it will be better to level player 1 instead of player 2.
In those cases in which you have a single role player, it's without doubt better to alwais choose player 1 over player 2.
Narrow diamond counters 442 classic with mixed passing and red arrow dldr
In other news, a shocking cup final result from our friend MU FC. They came into the game vs an higher lvl afk player of lower quality, they have max player conditions and morale, max bonuses yet they lost 0-2. We almost didnt belive our eyes when we first saw the results, looks like a case of systematic trolling to us (match was @6am so both manager didnt present but still.. Sheer quality and counter formation should have won him the game easily.
Last year they got the "unwanted treble", second in league, second in champions and second in cup. this year its worst. First in league was confimed last night, quarter final for champions league and second again in cup
Final cup
That was a great and close match between
Reidy Fc. 67.6 Vs. A.C Milan 67.5
The game started with goal for Reidy 5th min 1-0 to Reidy.
And he kept attacking and got the 2nd goal on the 15th min
Before the half was over on the 40th min A.C Milan came back to life with a goal
Half time. 2 - 1 to Riedy.
Half time motivated talk we need to atta k throw the wing and make things happen
More pressure on the middle to control the ball and we can make things happen.
A.C Milan come to 2nd half very motivated.
2nd half opened with A goal to A.C Milan at the 50th min and the score is tie.
After substitution for both teams A.C Milan takes the lead at the 76th min.
3-2 to A.C Milan.
That was the final score.
Goals :
Reidy : 5 A.C Milan : 40
15 50
Final talk it was a great math to watch I didn't expect this kind of score and its great to take the
1st time the cup.
A question to the experienced: My team's quality is currently 5* (40.5), in the first few seasons I always sell my 3 stars players at the end of the year but I read on the forum that the lower the quality of your team, the higher the chance that you will be draw into a less difficult group of cup opponents. Is that correct? If it is, does it also mean lower cup rewards?
Should I sell off my 3 stars players or should i buy some low 3* to lower my team average quality?
Last edited by FCB; 07-26-2013 at 03:41 AM.
Wow, in my first full season i became cup and league champion!! And tomorrow i'll fight for the Champions League final. Let's see if i can make the treble.