Won 1st matches in the League (out 2-3) and CL (home 2-1)
Team - Top Gun
Current Season: 110 - League Level: 93
League - Champion - 35
League - Runner Up - 19
League 3rd Place - 10
CUP - Champion - 8
CUP - Runner Up - 4
CUP - 3rd Place - 4
Champions League - Champion - 10
Champions League - Runner Up - 6
Champions League - 3rd Place - 9
Super League - Champion - 1
Super Cup - Champion - 1
Facebook - Top Eleven Portugal
We didn't attend the League match to find out we easily won scoring four goals and taking even one. Nothing to say, as the other manager was present and we played away. Stark, which had a 9 avg last season, started with 5-6 ratings, which already pisses us off considering how much we invested upon that ****er.
In CL we were there watching and our opponent too, and seems like we had to recover from the first missteps as we were 5-0 after 35'. Hutton was the night's king with 3 goals followed by Kent with two. Enough to put Stark on the bench for the time being.
Massive troll at minute 60 with a serie of 5 consecutive late entrances by a single player (C.Sforza) which caused, in order: a yellow card on the first, a warning and our Star MC Altun injured (Romer in), another warning, another warning and Romer ****ing injured, another ****ING WARNING. Result: no red card, 2 injuries, 30' played in 10. I wonder how the **** Nordeus can be a succesful company if the engine is worked by a ****ing idiot, i really wonder.
To add to all this ****, we got the most idiotic and BULL**** calendar ever, with over 50% of the matches between 1 hr. We spent the little tokens we had to move the matches at least in cup, but still we got several double matches days playing ****ING both away that can't be touched.
I'm starting to SERIOUSLY get pissed at the way Nordeus intends to make money. Really ****ING pissed.
Team - Top Gun
Current Season: 110 - League Level: 93
League - Champion - 35
League - Runner Up - 19
League 3rd Place - 10
CUP - Champion - 8
CUP - Runner Up - 4
CUP - 3rd Place - 4
Champions League - Champion - 10
Champions League - Runner Up - 6
Champions League - 3rd Place - 9
Super League - Champion - 1
Super Cup - Champion - 1
Facebook - Top Eleven Portugal
Team - Top Gun
Current Season: 110 - League Level: 93
League - Champion - 35
League - Runner Up - 19
League 3rd Place - 10
CUP - Champion - 8
CUP - Runner Up - 4
CUP - 3rd Place - 4
Champions League - Champion - 10
Champions League - Runner Up - 6
Champions League - 3rd Place - 9
Super League - Champion - 1
Super Cup - Champion - 1
Facebook - Top Eleven Portugal
Team - Top Gun
Current Season: 110 - League Level: 93
League - Champion - 35
League - Runner Up - 19
League 3rd Place - 10
CUP - Champion - 8
CUP - Runner Up - 4
CUP - 3rd Place - 4
Champions League - Champion - 10
Champions League - Runner Up - 6
Champions League - 3rd Place - 9
Super League - Champion - 1
Super Cup - Champion - 1
Facebook - Top Eleven Portugal
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