Hi there, at my 3rd season I would like to get more versatility from my players. At the moment I play only narrow diamond and sometimes 4-1-3N-2 or 4-4-2.
I don't have DMR/DML and AMR/AML.
Have some players with double role, as DC/DR and DC/DL, DC/DMC as well.
I'm thinking to change my two AMC's with AMC/AMR and AMC/AML.
Then to sell my ML and MR and change with ML/DML and MR/DMR.
With this changes I think should be able to cover most of the positions in the field.
I am missing something? There's a better combination?
Any suggestion is very welcome.
PS: additional questionwhen let go an unsigned player after the 7 days, transfer money is refunded or lost?