This is what I've come up with.
His DR is the weakest of his defenders, from right to left, they are 91, 92, 92, 94, so I'd like to attack that, and I'd rather not touch his DL at all.
3-5-2V sounds pretty good, but I'd prefer 3-6-1, ST moved back to AMC maybe. I think my formation is pretty close to a 3-6-1, but as I'm only attacking on one side, I've changed the AMR, who would have been attacking the DL, to an ML to support on the left. Left sided MC has tucked in to better mark his MCs zonally. Right sided DC has then moved out to DR so that the formation stays legal, he will still mark the left sided ST, which was his original task.
I'm touched that you remember and take note of my style; 3 at the back, shoestring budget, etc.

I can develop a few low 6*'s but I prefer not to because I believe it'll be easier to sell the player near the top of his star range rather than at the bottom of the next one, I might get some negotiations as well. I can beat a few scout teams, but you're an experienced tactician and a serious manager as well, so you'd confine me to second place for sure.
I think I was very lucky to be placed in an old server, though. I must be some way from the higher levels of my server, so plenty of 5* players on auction, and no need to pay tens of tokens for just one player.