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Some have seen something strange. Do we know they exist for sure? No. Do we see things that lead us to believe that its possible? YES. Nordeus has shown that they can be morally and ethically bankrupt and would not be above doing such things. This is a pure greed game for them and it is being proven that they dont care about the game, only the income. When you care only about money, you do things that are strange and harmful to your business. Take their customer service for example - horrible at the best of times. MDKII is not doing enough to provide the masses with relevant information on the gameplay and updates to the game. So their relationship with their customers is horrible as a result and it just shows that they dont care.
All that to say that there have been several sightings of strange bidders making bids for no reason on players they dont need. That means that either the bidders are stupid morons, or that the bidders are being asked to bid. Im level 9, so I would like to think that by this time, managers have some experience bidding for players and wont waste tokens needlessly. What I saw last night was just stupid....seriously....a level 10 player bidding on a 4* (63Q) player that would have been the worst player on his 22 player squad. And there was an even better one (64Q 18yo) available 5 mins later. Think about it, this is not a serious token buyer trying to replace a 23yo 6* DC/DR with aerial with a fast training 18yo DC/DR with no SA. This was a serious token buyer replacing a 6* scout DC/DR with aerial with an 18yo 4* medium trainer.
I dont buy the arguement that people waste tokens just to be an asshole. I do believe that there are people out there that are friends or employees of Nordeus and have been given free tokens to be able to enter auctions to make people waste their tokens. What I saw last night was proof that this happens.
i just call them bid-bots because it fits. It is not hard to believe that they can do this. Nordeus is doing everything possible to get you to buy tokens. If that means creating false accounts and giving them free tokens (which costs nothing to them), then I believe that they would do this. I dont trust Nordeus because they dont communicate. That is a sign that something is wrong.