Hey guys what does feeding the strikers mean ? I've seen alot of people saying you need players to feed your strikers and I'm confusedis it like crosses into the box for your strikers or what ? Thanks for your time
Hey guys what does feeding the strikers mean ? I've seen alot of people saying you need players to feed your strikers and I'm confusedis it like crosses into the box for your strikers or what ? Thanks for your time
it means supplying your strikers. im pretty sure passes/throughs/crosses are included as well
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Are you not looking for strikers that can assist other players, instead of scoring themselves. If this is an option, then you can have at least 4 other players ready to score???
They already do assist other playersi wasn't sure of what feeding the strikers was and now i know that i need good MC's and AMC's and i do have them but for some reason my strikers arent scoring that much its usually the "feeders'' that score haha my AMC and MC score more goals than my 5 star striker
i'm going to try put a red arrow on him next game
Thanks for your time guys
Imagine a game of football that you are watching on TV or in a ground.
If a team is lined up with 6 defenders, then they have 3 defencive playing midfielders with one loan striker, how does the striker get into the game?
If your opposition has 5 midfielders across the middle of the pitch and you only have two on each wing, what happens? - the players in your opposition will run down the middle and score.
It's all about making sure you have players in the right formation and right position to assist each other. A classic 4-4-2 has good balance and if you have players in the right position doing the correct things then you will be able to "feed" your strikers.
This game is so random i don't think it even matters. The amount of times there is a counter attack and a long ball is played over the top and somehow lands at the feet of my CB? who then scores. lol .
Feeding strikers means giving them hamburgers to eat so that they have energy to score
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Ya many times my DC gets the ball during counter attacks and he does well. And many times he has given a timely pass to my DL. LOLs
I fear counter attacks against me as they usually result in goals.
And even my AMCs have always scored more than my STs except for last season. This season too, my AMC Cazorla is on fire!!!!!