Operation "Duel Position With Youth" is now complete.
After two days of extensive power training I am now content that I have got a very decent team set up for the coming season/s. It's taken 8 packs of Green Boosters and 2 packs of Red Boosters to sort out this operation, but I am content with the results - helped that I've been able to farm while also power training to keep my Token count over 3,000 (Currently 3,012)
The players who learnt new roles were -
Jang, who picked up the MC role
Aldi, who picked up the AMC role
Canpolat who picked up the DR role
Kongur who picked up the MR role
Nogueira who picked up the MR role
Saglam who picked up the MC role
Widodo was a late addition to the squad. I noted him on the auction list late last night and decided to throw in a very cheeky and poor offer in (30M 0T) not expecting it to be accepted, but woke up this morning to find that he had indeed joined.
I'm also delighted in bringing down the age of my squad a great deal. My average age of the entire squad is 21.0 Years old.
Widodo, Kongur and Nogueira are all 18.
Aldi, Erdem, Canpolat, Saglam, Kavak and Gordon are all 19.
Jang and Ozyurek are 20.
Mat Disa and Mohd Shukur are 21.
Everyone else is between the age of 22 to 26, with Turner and Wynne being the eldest two in the squad.
Quality wise the squad is also quite strong.
Both Jang and Widodo are now 6 star, 75Q
Aldi, Poole, Gollner, Mohd Shukur, Erdem, Mat Disa, Turner, Shabi, Sudrajat, Canpolat, Kongur and Nogueira are all 74Q, with some just one or two points from flipping over to being 6 star.
Saglam, Ozyurek, Schramm, Wynne, Kavak and Yazici are all 73Q
Back up keeper Gordon is the weakest player in the squad, being the only player of 72Q - although he isn't far off 73 and has age on his side.
I could in theory trim my squad in my opinion by letting Wynne and Yazici go, who I feel will be back up players thrown on when a game is won and I don't want to risk any really important players. However, having had both players for a few seasons now (and in Yazici's case, since he was 18, 6 seasons ago) with them giving so much to the team I haven't parted with either yet. I was torn over keeping Yazici and letting Turner go when Widodo surprisingly joined this morning, but Turner despite now being 26 has consistently been my best performer in the past two years so I think keeping him in the squad is wise.
My current squad size is 21. I like to keep it like that so I can sell the poor academy player that comes through - and also it allows me to bring in a poor player if emergency cover is needed for whatever reason. In theory, having duel trained a load of players and having deliberately aimed to pick defenders who could play in the DC role as well as in the right or left positions I could probably trim my team down to 18 or 19 in number if needed. However, I suppose it doesn't hurt to keep a few extra players on since they are all decent quality and it doesn't cost me much other than wages (and money not being much of an issue).
Today in cup .
We also won in League 3-0 .
Boys San :: Season 12 LV 12
League 11 :: CL 8 :: Cup :: 3
Longest bidding war that we ever had ... I never face Vietnamese manager before and glad that I won ... we will make him triple role player ... I think it is worth to pay 41 tokens as any way it will take almost same amount of tokens for SA
Last edited by FCB; 12-19-2013 at 06:42 AM.
Last edited by FCB; 12-19-2013 at 06:58 AM.