Originally Posted by
look, you call it cheating, but do you call buying tokens cheating? go ahead and answer that first. if you say they are both cheating then you are NOT a hypocrite. if someone has multiple accounts and uses them for support, its the same thing = game manipulation, but buying tokens is the more severe one and the one that pays the bills. but the same thing is that multi accounts can bring nordeus even more $$$ if they buy tokens on all accounts, so no matter what you just have to grin and bear it because frankly, you cant do anything about it and that must suck very much.
yes, we brag about our amazing support abilities because its just so awesome! the fact is nobody knows for sure if possession means anything at all so you could have your panties in a bunch for nothing. like whatshisname said, he wins vs a team that has 10 supporters and thats cool, and I find it hilarious, really, I do, that possessiion could mean jack****.
so call me a cheater if you want, I dont care, but I will use any advantage I can in this excuse of a game -------because I can and you cant stop me bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha