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Thread: How to improve the form of certain players?

  1. #11
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    My advice would be to add to their physical stats, just my opinion though.

    here's the wiki page for attributes, you might find interesting
    Last edited by Cat Harrison; 01-14-2014 at 02:17 PM.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Thanks for the hint.

    I always try to keep the physical stats at the average strength of the player. But, I will try to increase them in the future.

    Nevertheless, just a personal question: Have you already experienced the same issue of players playing weak over a long period of time without any reason? If so, how did you react? Sell them or keep them and hope for better times?

    For instance, I kept Zidane even though he was playing weak for two seasons. Now hes starting to get better, don't know why.

    I think it's something programmed in the game, which makes it more realistic, but I just don't have measures to deal with it

  3. #13
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    I think there are a lot of things might contribute to their ratings, if after I have tried with his attributes, moved him around, played him with different guys, arrows or no, if nothing works, I would sell. Except, with younger guys with very even attributes it takes awhile to change that, so I do try to be patient and give a season for training and ignore ratings that season.

    I do think there are hidden attributes that make a player work in some teams/formations and not others... like this, I hardly ever play 4 4 2, but when I do, my team usually is flat and some guys get poor rating.. but it isn't that different from Maple Leaf, which I play all the time with good ratings!

    Also multi role guys do seem to have a favored role, at least mine do.
    Last edited by Cat Harrison; 01-14-2014 at 03:32 PM.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Try to Power Train them for at least 3Full sessions.
    See it helps!

  5. #15
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    this is what i believe 'form' is. kind of reflects games IRL, but too extreme where we can even lose against illegal/unmanaged teams
    have you tried comparing your nearby rivals?
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    kudos to cat

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Jones View Post
    Hi guys,

    this is a question to the topeleven experts in this forum:

    As most of you might have realized, at a certain point of time some players are in really bad shape. That means they get bad marks from game to game, even though they are one of the best players in the team, stronger than their opponent and are constantly playing in the first eleven.

    This changes from season to season, but if they once have a bad form, there's no way to stop it. At least, that is what I have realized.

    At the moment I have three players getting marks from 4-5, every single game. Even in friendly matches against weaker or stronger teams.

    I tried the following: put them on the bank for about 5 games (no effect).
    let them play in friendly matches against weaker opponents a lot (no effect).
    change their positions (no effect).

    Moral and fitness is of course perfect.

    Is there anybody out there who knows how to get them back in shape?

    Thanks everbody!

    i had the same problem with 3-4 players in my second account,a couple of seasons ago,but since i didn't care to promote or to win the title i kept them in my first 11 .After a week i started pt even if some of them where poor trainers.
    The 4,and 5 ratings kept,so i bench them and played them in friendlies...the 4,5 ratings gone to 5-6 and sometimes 7 ...nothing special.
    So that season i didint promoted and next season the 3 of them where 5* and 1 was 6*.they started the season with 5,6 some games 7 and then 5-6 i force them to injury..And the miracle came....After the healing (1 of them with red packs) the rest no,they rated 6-7 and after a couple of games 7 at least.

    Also i have seen many times a player that comes from 7-8 rate to 5 that is ready to injury..))) lol NORDS.

    So my general idea of the faked up machine that Nords run is that whatever u do for some reason that they dont tell us?? dont even the programmers know?? for no reason that is realistic for us the player just performs bad..

    its the same situation that u loose with 3-0 and u see ur defences statistics that are 7-8-7-8-7 but u have beaten by 3 goals from a 4* St and u try to figer out how in hell ur 5* defence has beaten by 3 and ur statistics are so good !!!!!!

    So my friend do not try to analyse so much the engine since u have no facts how it works(and u will not take any answers from Nords for it).

    Just sell the poor ratings and accept the trollness of the engine.

    Another fact that is in the same issue is the yellow and reds in particular players when u give them sps in defence.I have seen many times the Mcs that have balanced ratings in the 3 categories(d-p-a) that after u sign some sp in defence they get very easily a yellow card.I had one 6* Mc from farming last season that had 10 yellows in 35 games !!! and 1 red..
    He was rated average 7,and this year since i bored of his yellows i sign all the sp in the other 2 attridutes.After 10 games (4 main and 6 friendlies he has none...

    So just accept as i said before the idiot engine and have fun without trying to understand a code that even the persons that wrote it have any idea why it works like that
    Level 25.

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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I did check it with my rivals, see post in your thread littledude.

    almost all of my opponents seem to have it, but for one it is stronger than for the other.

  8. #18
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
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    Exclamation Too high number of bad form players

    My 2 teams have serious problems with bad form. I have faced earlier bad form problems, but never soo much players out of form in one team. I don't know why this happens, usually I had 1-2, max. 3 player out of form, but this... I'd have to change a half of the team few days after finished transfers and then hope they won't have form like this again???
    How to improve the form of certain players?-form-problems.jpg
    Ex top eleven player

  9. #19
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    The first board has some logic but the second one
    such rates from 5* players and so many in one game ?
    The only explanation is the formation -did you play with only two Def. ?
    or just another expression of a troll result.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  10. #20
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    The first board has some logic but the second one
    such rates from 5* players and so many in one game ?
    The only explanation is the formation -did you play with only two Def. ?
    or just another expression of a troll result.
    Sorry because I forgot to mention,
    I started that match with 43MC2w1. Opponent has av.Q 2* and had 2-0 advantage in ~15mins. I pulled back one of MC's to DMC (to create 451V) scored1 and received 1, result was 3-1. Then I pushed that DMC back on MC, 4-1 for him. My last move was to pull DL and DR on DML and DMR + hard attacking, scored for 4-2 FT result.

    So this formation you see was actually used only in last ~15 mins
    Ex top eleven player

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