I'm a buyer and i think this is a good update. I agree with everything joshyt said.
Please accept the fact that there are people who think in another way. World is good because everybody has his own opinion![]()
I'm a buyer and i think this is a good update. I agree with everything joshyt said.
Please accept the fact that there are people who think in another way. World is good because everybody has his own opinion![]()
There are no good scouts either lol. Previous season when I was not going to buy any scout there was 22-23 year old 7*-1skill point players. No older than 23 years old and 7*-2 skills away lol.
Now go spend £300 a month, and play!!! For God's sake stop trolling around here. I bet u r either from Nord or u r out of your mind. U r ofcource that troll from that day who returned with the name of Joshyt as he/she was too scared or ashamed to use the same id againSo either get lost or stop trolling. We r complaining here as we have the backbone to stand up against the wrong, u are spineless maybe thats why u are licking Nord's shoes!!! And be4 u start bragging about the 'successful' life u have-NOT- I will tell u to take ur Bag and Baggage and go live that as u have already spent all that was in ur scrip and scrippage on this game.
U said u buy Ts, someone here saw ur team and it was full of 4* players...... What do u do with the tokens when u can't have 6* players??? I manage to have 10 6* players wiyhout spending a penny and hardly 15 mins a day on the game. U want to keep financing Nord like idiots, continue it, i will do something better, exploit them. And for God's sake stop bragging about buying Ts like its the coolest thing in the world, seeing the condition of the game, it is the lamest thing ever. Better hava a life to spend money on!!!![]()
Should Kaka' have been selected for Brazil's WC squad?
Tell us ur opinion-
P.S.S The person in my avatar is NOT me! He is the God of Cricket, Sachin Tendulkar.
You do know quite a few of the people on here have spent large amounts of money on tokens in the past?
Added to that they've contributed MASSIVELY to the forum, July Fourth comes to mind.
There is no need to be so insensitive with the comments, and it doesn't do well to integrate yourself within this community, calm down![]()
Liverpool FC - Team Showcase
"You'll Never Walk Alone."
I don't claim to be a Top Eleven expert but, if anyone would like advice, please don't hesitate to contact me through 'private messaging', I try to reply as soon as possible.
This game is getting so bad that we can't even criticize because the mods won't approve our posts. This is ridiculous. I made a post talking about how bad this transfer system is, a post that followed all the rules, and it wasn't approved.
Indeed it was caught it the auto filter and has been approved. Any questions about moderation feel free to PM me or another Mod, but don't post about it.
talk about double standard below was posted yesterday
Join Date
Feb 2013
Can someone at Nordeus tell us when it will return to normal please?
I have been trying to sell three players rated 94 since the beginning of the season and noone is interested.
weekends coming. hope you guys make a nice and cozy bonfire, and sing campfire songs. i hear tokens make nice firewood. just keep the scary stories down to a minimum, this so called improvement gives me nightmares about trollinho stealing my tokens
say no to the new transfer market
take my posts with a sack of salt
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The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
kudos to cat
I will make a HACK of this game and give it to all then we can have only SCOUTS team till then keep calm......