Please, let's anybody < somebody > will help me about assistance because I do not know that with (from) history my team if (or) anybody < somebody > avengs on I
Anybody < somebody > destroys my psyche from 3 days specially
Not Found - ScreenShooter anybody < somebody > will explain me this result
Not Found - ScreenShooter just but it can worst
Not Found - ScreenShooter today's match
I will check off (will note) that day 2 and let's I participate can in matches on truth 3 minor injury of my player gram wise moderator (moderator) < somebody > can I will check off (will note) that day 2 and let's I participate can in matches on truth 3 minor injury of my player gram wise moderator (moderator) < somebody > can
Sometime wise person happens on forum that explain me write and I have been replied that it puts system matches so But Please, it have fallen from row about assistance so he yet not possible that (in order to) 3 case (together; time) completely Pleas ehelp me, he have fallen from row about assistance so that (in order to) 3 case (together; time) completely .
But this my setup of team
ScreenShooter . Please, < ask > about assistance and let's it will explain me < somebody > .Pozdrawiam. : Mad:: Mad:: Mad:: Mad: