Originally Posted by
Philip Carr
This is my best season for Injuries my tips are ,never play a new player straight away play him for last 30 min of a couple of freindlies ease him in also avoid stretching in training ,rest players when possible when their morale drops or their tiring quicker than others ,also older players need more rest so rotate as much as games allow ,if your form suffering try playing friendlies against weak opponents ,this will give under performers a chance to shine and pick up good consec ratings ,avoid arrows they make players tire quicker (unless u weigh it up) also when a player returns from injury ease him back in and let his condition return naturally (without boosters,) I also never use attack or defence as this seems to tire players more ,I,m not saying never use these options just weigh up the pros and cons ,this season one 3 day ankle strain ,so far so good,good luck
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