201 for a free agent, sounds unbelievable. theyre duking it out for 'honor', disregarding common sense, while others are crying over lost tokens and playing with tumble weed
201 for a free agent, sounds unbelievable. theyre duking it out for 'honor', disregarding common sense, while others are crying over lost tokens and playing with tumble weed
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kudos to cat
When Bidders Have No Good Relationship)
They again at level 8)
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Heres what I saw on the 2nd day of season, did not get enuf time to put it up here. Not very much but still high. I quit after round 3. After this this same guy went bidding for a 5*GK and that was on the 31st round when I lost connection. when I came back, it was gone. I did not bid in that round so don,t know how far did it go exactly.
does each additional bid increase by a fixed % or a range ?. Any idea what this is?
I have won this ...
This is your average auction on the Trololo server... Sometimes these players go 50+ rounds on there and it's almost impossible to compete as a 35T player on there. Every 5* player has a bidding war on there.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
What in hell?! why spend 100 token (almost 10 euro) on one player? Could buy 2 young token player with special ability![]()