Actually I have a very deep and highly rated squad but I rarely rotate.
I make substitution only if the player is very tired or injured.
Actually I have a very deep and highly rated squad but I rarely rotate.
I make substitution only if the player is very tired or injured.
Yeah! I witnessed your spending in the close season, ££££££££ to burn. lol
Joined on day 19 two seasons ago now level 3
You only have 2 MC, and a ton of DMC's, so I suppose you like to hold down the midfield and attack though the wings.
Easiest way is choose a formation you're happy with at the start of the season then make sure your 11 reserves duplicate the positions in your XI. Job done.
Obviously if you can pick out players that can play multiple positions, then that will be a bigger advantage, especially if you're like me and your whole midfield is out injured.
This strategy is based upon me not wanting to tamper with my formation very often due to nordeus's primitive game engine. That's why i've gone with a solid 4-4-1-1 and stuck with it regardless of opposition squad rating and level.
Current Level: 4
League: lvl1 1st, lvl2 1st, lvl 3, 1st
Champions League: lvl2, QF lvl 3 1st
Cup: lvl1 R1, lvl2 R2, lvl3 R2
That will get you by the lower levels, but in higher levels when you play teams that modify formations, you will be at a slight disadvantage. If I played a 3-1-4-2 or a 3-1-4-1-1 on you, and we are about the same quality, my team would probably beat your formation. It's good to switch up your formations regularly!
That's for me to know and the opposition to assume. The formations I play are usual counter and deploy so you need flexibility, how many formations actually play more than two MC's, outnumbering your opponents MF will usually reap the rewards, only a ban stops my MC's from being available when needed, when not let the ban run.
Last edited by Accyrover; 11-22-2012 at 11:43 PM.
I'm on Lv. 12 and I spend about that much....aha are your players all on steroids?