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Thread: Got bankrupt...Feeling SAD...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lucknow, INDIA

    Got bankrupt...Feeling SAD...

    Got bankrupt...Feeling SAD...-untitled.jpg

    He was the first NORDEUS generated player I saw in the transfer market and I planned to bid for him...

    Since I did not have enough money so I asked my friend to negotiate for my player and I said I will give them for 0 tokens...

    I negotiated my 3 players who were only 1 skill point away form scout...After that I had 34 million so I bidded for him and this happened...

    And the 3 player I sold, 2 were 3 star and 1 was 4 star...So next season I will have to face much stronger opponent in CUPs too...

    Now I have 0 tokens, have lost my 3 players by whom I could have earn a lot of money and token in the next season...

    So my next season has also gone waste...And all credit goes to this <redacted> new transfer market......

    Since there are no fast trainers available in the market everyone got mad after seeing him...
    Last edited by Sxrenity; 03-26-2014 at 05:12 PM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharth Shanker Singh View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	21486

    He was the first NORDEUS generated player I saw in the transfer market and I planned to bid for him...

    Since I did not have enough money so I asked my friend to negotiate for my player and I said I will give them for 0 tokens...

    I negotiated my 3 players who were only 1 skill point away form scout...After that I had 34 million so I bidded for him and this happened...

    Now I have 0 tokens, have lost my 3 players by whom I could have earn a lot of money and token in the next season...

    So my next season has also gone waste...And all credit goes to this SH*T new transfer market......

    Since there are no fast trainers available in the market everyone gone after seeing him...
    The lesson here is to not plan on winning any transfer bidding. Planning on bidding and winning is bad because you are committing to something that you would make sacrifices for... at all times not knowing who you would come up against in bidding wars.

    My general rule is to be extra careful if Vietnamese or Turkish players enter the bidding. Then I monitor their bidding patterns - first-second entrance or last-second entrance or somewhere in between. If someone is aggressive and goes in very early every round, quite likely you would be able to drain him/her after a few rounds. If someone bids last-second, quite likely he/she is short of tokens. Once you get the hang of bidding, you would be able to save tokens and win the winnable wars. Every season I bid for my 9 teams (1 main team and 8 experimental teams) plus another team being my gf's team. So, I have seen and tried all sorts.

    Good luck brother!
    Davy Gravy likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lucknow, INDIA
    He was a Vietnamese but he was the only fast trainer available in the market this whole season so I decided to get him...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharth Shanker Singh View Post
    He was a Vietnamese but he was the only fast trainer available in the market this whole season so I decided to get him...
    Yea. The Vietnamese thought so too.

  5. #5
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    i have the money (£2.8mil) and the tokens since i`v had this new market ( 3 season ) if i could lend you some i would

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lucknow, INDIA
    Quote Originally Posted by spornybol View Post
    i have the money (£2.8mil) and the tokens since i`v had this new market ( 3 season ) if i could lend you some i would
    Hahaha...Thanks for your offer...

    2.8 mil or 2.8 billion...

    But today some how there were 2 NORDEUS generated player in my market......And I fell to the trap......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lucknow, INDIA
    Got bankrupt...Feeling SAD...-untitled.jpg

    And now this happens...

    As soon as I sold my replacement through negotiations to earn cash and this happens...

  8. #8
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharth Shanker Singh View Post
    Hahaha...Thanks for your offer...

    2.8 mil or 2.8 billion...

    But today some how there were 2 NORDEUS generated player in my market......And I fell to the trap......
    ooopps meant billion won`t say how many tokens though

  9. #9
    Famous Skidz's Avatar
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    Scarborough, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Where on earth did you find an 18 year old with an SA on the tranfer market?, never seen one of those!, plus its hard enough to get a fresh youngster at a low cost but with the added bonus of the SA then this should have sent your alarm bells ringing, this had bidding war writtern all over it!, this might teach you a valuable lesson in the future bud!, your know stuck with 3 less players and injuries so was it really worth it?.
    x 17 x 5 x 1

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    Every comment I make on this forum is based on my own experiences and so should be taken as such!.

  10. #10
    Addicted Spyros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharth Shanker Singh View Post
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Name:	Untitled.jpg 
Views:	113 
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ID:	21486

    He was the first NORDEUS generated player I saw in the transfer market and I planned to bid for him...

    Since I did not have enough money so I asked my friend to negotiate for my player and I said I will give them for 0 tokens...

    I negotiated my 3 players who were only 1 skill point away form scout...After that I had 34 million so I bidded for him and this happened...

    And the 3 player I sold, 2 were 3 star and 1 was 4 star...So next season I will have to face much stronger opponent in CUPs too...

    Now I have 0 tokens, have lost my 3 players by whom I could have earn a lot of money and token in the next season...

    So my next season has also gone waste...And all credit goes to this SH*T new transfer market......

    Since there are no fast trainers available in the market everyone got mad after seeing him...
    You did the right thing and you should not feel bad about it, who would not bid for such a nord gen ?

    Next season is not lost. It will be a hard training season and you will get ready for second next one. On the way up you will realise that is hard to get titles if you dont coin every season, so in higher levels team should go for title one season and next one you should rest team and stay same level.

    If you get bored with training season, you should start a second team to experiment with!
    Last edited by Spyros; 03-26-2014 at 10:20 AM.
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