I took advantage of an offer as you already know. Two customized iPhone shells and two customized T-shirts gave me 142x2 tokens. The rest i bought. I have bought tokens for $40. The rest was included in those offers. And it's a matter of country and salary standards. $100 in Sweden is a decent dinner for 2 days. $100 on the pub is not much at all (besides - I do not drink since i have fun without alcohol. I don't really call $100 money. But once again - It depends in which country u are. I would never spend money on a game.. but 100 bucks isnt money for me... Hard to explain, and I really don't try to sound arrogant either so don't missunderstand me. But $100 here is what u earn by 2h work before taxes. Get my point? And as i said, 60 of those 100 was for iPhone.