Is it just me or are the Scouts available weaker than normal? Maybe I'm wrong but it seems each league so far is approximately a 5 point increase from the last. The highest Scouts should end in 4 or 9 and decrease from there.
I'm level 8. My team average is 52.4. Scouts available last season topped out at 59. Scouts should be 64 now, right? Instead, there THREE guys who are 63. Nine guys are 62. Five are 61. One is 60! This is the worst crop of Scouts I've ever seen.
This only my 8th season maybe I'm just a noob, but is this common or did I get jacked? Burning 50 Tokens and 16mil on a 63SA who may not much better than a 59 on auction for 10mil may be too steep a price.