Ill try to give a two sides explanation:
It seems to me that the average quality (note: not the starting 11 quality) made you underestimate your opponent. Quality difference on the field might have been less than 20.
Then we got the formation issue. At 90% of whatever 5 stars players formation, beats 2 stars formation. but what about the rest 10% ???
First point is always to respect your opponent, it doesnt matter if you play vs barca or your village united. Always respect your opponent.
as you can see I started with 4-5-1 V formation then after conceding the first goal changed to 4-3-2-1 then after the second I pushed in another striker, substituted for AML. that's all!If I was in his shoes I would play ultra defensive butterfly (3 dc -2 dml/dmr-2 mc-2 aml/amr -1 st) with long passes, counter attack, try to destroy your aml/amr and pray to god almighty to make it happen.ah and red arrows on DMC , AML and AMR.
As I see your formations he succeeds in doing so both wings.
His dmr on the one side and his dml on the other seem to counter your wingers... what about his dmc with a red arrow??? maybe he could be forward too.... or no arrow and reinforce center transition, or blue one to make a fourth defender.
Now I ll switch to your side, he throwed everything he got in his midlefield, your left and right defenders should had red arrows in order to make space shorter to your aml/amr - also to reinforce your midlefield, where you play with 2 players(kiss red arrow aml/amr byebye- too far away especially if you chose short passing) against 5 but thats not all.
Hes got amc on the field and you place a red arrow on your dmc? I am sorry but when you see amc the least you can do is no arrow - the best is blue arrow. He connects his middle really nice with his attack and your poor dmc tried to return to his defense in vain because he was too forward for that.......
I m afraid bottom line is, he got a nice tactic & his players played the game of their lives, while yours underperformed, could be your tact, could be just your players and 9 times out of 10 you would have won. Stars aligned the lowbie's way.
When I was a lowbie, I always preffered not to attend games because I noticed in that way I could steal results from better opponents, therefore this makes enough common sense to me.Nordeus think that by applying these measures it will keep low level managers in the game, well it may and it may also lead them to think!! ...... Wow! ..... just think what I could do if I had a few more quality players, they get more competition $, in some cases ten times more than for the equivalent league games, all they are short of is .... Yes! 'TOKENS' de dede!
Unfortunately sometimes stats and numbers get beaten by irrational game engine I m afraid. Its something that happened and will happen again to all of us and we cant do nothing but taking the best care of our team to avoid as possible such unfortunate results.