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Siddharth Shanker Singh How many TOKENS you have ??? 07-01-2014,
12:05 PM

Siddharth Shanker Singh I have 11 TOKENS...:)... 07-01-2014,
12:06 PM

Lukáš Ledecký 0. I lost them in a... 07-01-2014,
12:13 PM

Kylos 10... just got a scout... 07-01-2014,
12:20 PM

TacticalMaster Yesterday: 112. today: 53 and... 07-01-2014,
12:28 PM

Lukáš Ledecký So, many token buyers here... 07-01-2014,
12:31 PM

Gintaras Račas 1.... 07-01-2014,
12:57 PM

Christian Christiansen In the start of the season I... 07-01-2014,
01:02 PM

Chester FC 50T only farming 07-01-2014,
01:23 PM

Spyros Hey all.
I have 200... 07-01-2014,
01:27 PM

Buffs Mad No of your business.:p
->... 07-01-2014,
01:54 PM

Pete Cresswell 158T (after buying a Scout GK... 07-01-2014,
02:11 PM

Siddharth Shanker Singh Mention your TOKENS here... 07-01-2014,
02:18 PM

Siddharth Shanker Singh It was just a... 07-01-2014,
02:23 PM

Buffs Mad ^ :cool: new Celtic Rangers... 07-01-2014,
02:33 PM

Cody Allan Taylor Currently I have 5 tokens,... 07-01-2014,
03:07 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin My budget for this season... 07-01-2014,
04:11 PM

Dman2pt SBARATA FC 65T
ACADEMICO D... 07-01-2014,
06:44 PM

Peter Renn Just 1 from today haha so... 07-02-2014,
02:43 PM

Alfyan I have about 19.. But I'm... 07-02-2014,
02:53 PM

Rashad Hussain If no ones spent money on... 07-02-2014,
05:26 PM

Starker17 25582 07-08-2014,
09:08 PM

Eduardo Fenandes i got 55 tokens to buy one... 07-09-2014,
01:54 PM

Philip L. Willis 21 tokens 07-09-2014,
01:55 PM

Alexzz11 69,just bought an Argentina... 07-09-2014,
03:16 PM

Buffs Mad I now... 07-09-2014,
03:50 PM

Mo Avengers I have 6 tokens the most I've... 07-09-2014,
03:58 PM

Staggy Stagg Video tokens are a poor for... 07-09-2014,
07:19 PM

Jean Claude 16 tokens 07-09-2014,
08:44 PM

Buffs Mad Now the Board has made the... 07-09-2014,
10:24 PM

Cat Harrison Hazmat, do you only play... 07-11-2014,
06:48 AM

HazmatCorntail I play through there and the... 07-11-2014,
12:55 PM

Cat Harrison I think you have to have... 07-11-2014,
01:41 PM

HazmatCorntail Alas, no, that's not it. I... 07-11-2014,
09:30 PM

paul northey I have 82 tokens but it's... 07-11-2014,
10:29 PM

Philip L. Willis One hundred trillion tokens! 08-29-2014,
09:37 PM

Anna Martyniec 1 Token!! No chance for... 08-29-2014,
11:37 PM

roniin How can we farm tokens? 08-30-2014,
12:16 AM

Az Khan 163 saving up to get Real... 08-30-2014,
12:50 AM

Cat Harrison Using programs (software,... 08-31-2014,
12:16 AM

Cat Harrison Yeah I think UK gets more... 08-31-2014,
12:23 AM

VïncEnt Göh I used to keep 10-20 token... 08-31-2014,
04:13 AM

Biagio Saya i have 5 tokens 09-01-2014,
08:08 PM

roniin How do you do that? 09-13-2014,
10:58 PM

t11_fan Then I'm master tactician.... 09-13-2014,
11:01 PM

Cat Harrison I got nuthin'. Zero. Zilch.... 09-14-2014,
02:45 AM

Stratila Alexandru Now i have 141 ! :)
Sent... 09-14-2014,
08:24 AM

امل فلسطين Please. . . How I can to get... 09-14-2014,
07:56 PM

BeckStar 1 :D Hue hue, bought some... 09-15-2014,
01:05 AM

Cat Harrison Hahah :D no I think he was... 09-15-2014,
01:05 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin At the moment I'm a daily... 09-15-2014,
07:13 PM

spornybol i have 1,753 tokens and only... 09-15-2014,
07:23 PM

Sherifon ahms... Any player who got... 09-16-2014,
12:36 AM

Siddharth Shanker Singh Hmmm... I would like to... 09-16-2014,
05:19 PM

Siddharth Shanker Singh Currently I have 20000
.... 09-16-2014,
05:22 PM

nikolgiorgos I don't remember ...
it was... 09-16-2014,
05:47 PM

Buffs Mad We should all share our... 09-16-2014,
06:03 PM

Philip L. Willis I'm starting to dislike... 09-16-2014,
06:43 PM

Alfyan Nah hes fine, 18 here :) 09-16-2014,
07:17 PM

Siddharth Shanker Singh Don't talk to me, we are... 09-16-2014,
08:12 PM

stevi how do you farm for... 09-17-2014,
01:49 PM
How many TOKENS you have ???
Lets see the FORUM MEMBERS have how many tokens...Please every forum members state you TOKENS here...
Last edited by Siddharth Shanker Singh; 07-01-2014 at 12:16 PM.
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