I like the new commentary, especially the one about the players 'going to have some well deserved rest' and the crowd cheering for the guys leaving the pitch. Some of the lines are quite funny, but can't remember them yet. But now the games are less predictable - for example if my player was ATTEMPTING to score, he never did, but if he passed the ball to another one, the second one would always score. Now I don't know what to expect.
I'm liking the feel of it but yeah there is some tweaking needed. For FKs if u use same guy for both sides you might need a period where you have 2 different takers....maybe in friendlies...... and see what happens, then swap them to see if you can work it out.
Some of them feel much more relevant to 'Management'.![]()
But still there are a lot of mistakes inn the commentary...Hope they will solve it out fast......
Like : No more time left! End of the first half...LoL...
Yep, there are loads and some of the language doesn't flow right but I think its good to know that your team have messed up being 'out of position' or 'giving too much space' etc.
They should resist their secretive ways and give us the text to correct.
Lol The defence is spread (o'er missus) ......!
Last edited by Buffs Mad; 08-04-2014 at 09:13 PM.
Yeah, now it looks like written with a slight help of google translator... which wouldn't surprise me too much.
Not so many achievements:
Team's showcase: The PaceWhores (Lithuanian team)
Season(lvl) League Champions l. Cup 1(1) 1st - Prel. 2(2) 1st 3rd Top 16 3(3) 1st Top 16 Playoffs 4(4) tbc. tbc. Playoffs
Not so many achievements:
Team's showcase: The PaceWhores (Lithuanian team)
Season(lvl) League Champions l. Cup 1(1) 1st - Prel. 2(2) 1st 3rd Top 16 3(3) 1st Top 16 Playoffs 4(4) tbc. tbc. Playoffs
they gave us new phrases - I was beggin for. Lots of wrong grammar, but anyway.....![]()
I don't think google translator is the case here. My mother language is too 'exotic' to be translated by computer programs and I must admit that the translation is very well done.
One thing they haven't fixed yet is the switched names of the players leaving the pitch and their substitutes - that annoys me.