same as Buffs Mad, 6 minute video and i`v only got the 1 video a day, time for Admins and Nordeus to Man Up and inform us what is going on
I`m also getting below on Facebook and after 5 months still no reply as too why and i`m NOT the only one
This page's URL is invalid — it's missing some important information. Please return to the page you used to get here and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support.
above is when i click on Win Token tab
15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble
I used to earn 4/5 a day so got red packs to compensate for ALL these stupid Injuries that Nordeus have programmed in as it cost me more reds than i can actually earn, and since this one day video i`v had 4 injuries in 4 days costing 50 reds but only earned 13 reds ??
edit; 7 red from medi centre
4 reds from video
2 reds for no booking
15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble
In the US u can get unlimited unfair..when I was there last month..I keep on watching videos and accumulated so much..
none for me in the good old US of A ??????
Ps my avatar picture is Rowland !!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh..I was in the United States last month and I get videos every day!!! It's like unlimited..keep on be exact..San Francisco ..
I keep getting one a day.that one that lasts 6 mins on laptop. Well annoying. On my android phone I havent had a video for weeks.
There haven't been any boosters available for the past week in MA, USA