Season 1 - League winner (7 matches to go from 6th place)
Season 2 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (play off) (always facing 15-20 quality higher)
Season 3 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 4 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 5 - 2nd runner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (hmm....!!!)
Season 6 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter)
To have more than one account in itself is not cheating. To use those accounts to gain an unfair advantage or to throw games obviously is.
Its also not about being lucky or taking your chance. If you follow that logic then stealing money from a blind beggars cup is just seizing your opportunity right. Or even better bring a knife to a fistfight, in fact why not a tank!
Just because its easy and you can does not make it a good or worthy thing to do. Perhaps you need to look up the word *honor* in the dictionary as you seem to lack any. The weak of mind always take the easy way.
And we do have the right to judge it because we have to compete against these people. All games and sports are about testing yourself against your opponent to find out how good you are. The only way to do that is if everyone follows the same rules.
Now i know this is just a silly football manager game don't get me wrong I just really hate cheats. Its not so much about this game but the principal we are discussing. I can't understand how you can enjoy "winning" anything or have a real sense of achievement unless you do it fairly.
I would say though that for some people in certain regions who don't get many token offers or videos etc that having another account to try and gain a few more so they can be on a level with those of us lucky enough to get them. I can understand that because unlike you i don't want or need any unfair advantages over my opponents.
Also Csaszar apologies if I misunderstood you in any way.![]()
Last edited by FC Sanguis; 02-24-2013 at 12:28 PM.
well, can you find the word "honor" in this world? If you were honest in doing business, u will be starve on the street.
After spending over thousand usd on my account, do u think that i need it?
Follow the same rule? what are the rules? did Nordeus set it? If so, plz show me.
Last edited by ice87s; 02-24-2013 at 12:36 PM.
Season 1 - League winner (7 matches to go from 6th place)
Season 2 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (play off) (always facing 15-20 quality higher)
Season 3 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 4 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 5 - 2nd runner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (hmm....!!!)
Season 6 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter)
Facebook set the rules and that is how you made the multiple accounts. And you wonder why you got your other 2 accounts banned/separated/whatever?
If you weren't honest in doing business in the real world, you'll get your ass kicked by the authorities. Have you no guilty conscience? If I got caught cheating an in exam because I was "lucky to be in the same room as my friend so I took advantage", that's no valid excuse.
Season 15 - Level 15
League Winners (14) - Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
26-0-0 league (4) - Levels 3, 4, 7 & 8
Undefeated in league (11) - Levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14
Cup winners (2) - Level 1 & 14
Cup 3rd place (1) - Level 12
Champions League Winners (10) - Levels 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Champions League Runners up(1) - Level 9
>My team<
Season 1 - League winner (7 matches to go from 6th place)
Season 2 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (play off) (always facing 15-20 quality higher)
Season 3 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 4 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 5 - 2nd runner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (hmm....!!!)
Season 6 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter)
Well, I nvr wonder I could get banned/separate or whatever?
In every business, why do they take at least 100% profit then? If they were honest, they should sell at purchase price or let the world know what is their purchase price?
I think there is no 100% honest in real world.
Season 1 - League winner (7 matches to go from 6th place)
Season 2 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (play off) (always facing 15-20 quality higher)
Season 3 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 4 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 5 - 2nd runner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (hmm....!!!)
Season 6 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter)
100% profit lol now would that be gross or nett profit you refer to, maybe the companies you refer to have no overheads.
Gross profit is for dummies nett profit is for business men and very few if any make 100% unless they are operating in some illegal form.
Drug dealers and such like a perfect example but more like 1000% nett profit.
Level 1,2,3,4,5,6 League winners
Level 1,2,3,5 CL Winners
Level 4 CL runner up.
Level 2,3,4 Cup winners
P267 W244 D2 L11 GF1024 GA91
Facebook last year blocked 16 of my alt accounts, possibly due to the fact they were all linked and had the surname 'Haha' on every account.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
Come on man, what is the cost of iphone 5? what is the cost of laptop? How much do ppl pay for these?
I'm exporting supplementary such as multi Vitamin into Singapore. My purchase price is 0.8-1.2$, do you know how much i sell them at here? 50$!!!!! 50 times.... I'm not the only one selling @ this price and people still buying it.......
If I was honest man, should I sell @ 1.2$ and forgo 50$ profit???
Last edited by ice87s; 02-24-2013 at 03:49 PM.
Season 1 - League winner (7 matches to go from 6th place)
Season 2 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (play off) (always facing 15-20 quality higher)
Season 3 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 4 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (AGAIN!!!)
Season 5 - 2nd runner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter) (hmm....!!!)
Season 6 - League winner, Champion League winner, CUP (Quarter)