Being Lv 8 goining into Level 9 with an average of 49.7 (3stars) will asure me the easiest cup draw ever had untill now..

Q of players: 75,66,65,65,65,65,45,45,45,41,30,30,30,30.
A total of 697Quality points, 697/14 = 49.79
Its immportant to have your quality close to next star.. don't keep it close to 5 or 0 ending.. go for 4 or 9 like i did. I coulda make it even lower by fairing 2-3 of my 7* players but the avg Q will drop down to 46 or so.. wont make any difference as i'll be drawn in the same cup level.
On day one i'll be having my quality of Starting 11 and reserves back to 67 or so..
You do the math

Being highest level in cup with 6-7-9stars team, competing against Low level teams with 3star teams...
hahaha, i promise to myself that Nordeus won't @@@@ me up again.. as they did with their ridiculouse cup system, having 2 2nd places in the cup competition while competing against 3-4 Lvs higher managers lead me to this decision..
Deal with it ;D
P.S: i woulda add this to my old discusion but i couldnt find it