true story, in my case I have a limit of videos that I can see every day, but I was 3 seasons in a league +1 level so my scout list was of 7* x3times, and was so easy to have a 9* player then... in UK and other countries is more easy, because one can farm dozens of videos... not fair, but, thats the situation.
By power training and farming Green/Red packs during the training, as well as playing friendly and competitive matches I believe I could get a full roster of fast young players to 9* for under 3K Tokens total.
It would probably take me the best part of a week to do it and would be a lot of work, but I think its doable. Only when you use personal trainers does it start to get expensive Token wise.
The question I would ask is why anyone would go to the trouble of having that many 9* players. The game would be really boring if you are hitting every team for 6/7 every game and every player you had dwarfed your nearest competition. It would be like going to the local primary school and joining in a game of football with a bunch of 6 year olds. Yeah, you'd be better than them and win, but it would a shallow victory overall.
I personally like to be competitive, but don't want to have a way stronger team. I've over 10K tokens in my account this season, yet I've got a team that has just hit 6* average today - and I'm the second strongest team in my league. I could easily push my players to all be 7 or 8 star and use a load of my tokens but what is the point? I will get promoted at the end of this season, so my end goal will still be the same. I'd rather keep my tokens for when I might need them and have a competitive season against similar matched teams.
3 Legends would do the work in any league... a striker and 2 wingers...
ok... if you want I'll post pics of one of these teams... and some players are quit old (some magician old fast trainers?)
Ah.. a player of this team passed from 5 to 9 stars in a night (it was on my list and I made an offer for him... image my surprise when I saw the day after that he was a 9star)
but surely you can climb some other mirrors to explain me also that ;-)
Last edited by Marco De Bortolis; 01-04-2015 at 11:38 PM.
I gave an explanation on how it could be done, I didn't say that was the way it was done.
Using personal trainer can also turn a low player into a 9* player over night, but that will cost tokens.
Its possible the guy is cheating, but it seems to be common place that people throw the cheating card out on other users without actually having any proof.
I posted a screen shot the other day of a guy who had -9.02K Tokens - and would happily say I feel he is cheating as I have found what I would call is evidence to back that up. If you have evidence to back a claim of cheating up then post it - but otherwise, its wrong to accuse without fact.
The fact remains that I could turn my team from being 6* to 9* within the next 10 mins if I wanted because I have enough tokens farmed and saved in my account. Anyone looking at my team before then after could then scream "Cheater" at me, but I wouldn't have cheated.
Some people do spend a lot of time power training players to get them to 9*. My first 3 players I got to 9* were all done by power training. It took time but I got them there. I've since come to the conclusion it isn't worth my time/effort - but to some they think it is.
the point is different.
I didn't post anything of these teams, I sent pics and names to nordeus support, so up the them to decide.
So, I'm not screaming at all... because I don't indicate a "guilty" player :-)
But... since the beginning everyone here was telling that cheaters are not present, just fake screenshots without any influence on the game (as it can be a -9000 tokens btw)
My feeling is that now things changed... and that the possibility to cheat in the game is real.
see ya!
Last edited by Marco De Bortolis; 01-05-2015 at 12:30 AM.
SuperDunk, called me one of those hackers, if anyone can take a look to my squad and tell him if I a hacker. SuperDunk, I'm a rich man I have 34 years and owner of big architecture company and I will still to spend my money in this game, if you have any problems please go to nordeus support and report me, I can send you my facebook ID
The packs, money and tokens from new year offer "my offer is 1031T + 140 packs of each + 90.5M for 99.99$" your profile is automatically detected, if you are a spender you'll get bigger packs