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Depending on Bonus YES and NO^^
This season, if i would have spend MAX Bonus (i usually spend min Bonus and raise for exportant games^^) i won 16 Games which means 240 Millions Bonus. Actually i spend 158 Mills (hopefully 188 Mills at end of season^^ because League Champs decision is today and tomorrow^^) as you see 150 Mills WIN there would also be a WIN if i spend Max bonus (about 50 to 70 Millions)
I made a little Math: Lets take about a Perfect Season
this will be 52 regular Matches and 52 Wins
This means 780 Million Bonus about 1012 Millions for Wages (22 Players with a mddle Wage of 46 Million^^) and let say 5 new Players for about hmm 115 Millions per Player which means 575 Millions. Together this results in 2367 Millions
on the Other Side will be:
Ticket selling Regular Games 15,6 Millions per regular Game 24 Games at home 374,4 Million
Ticket selling FM´s 98 each means 6,06 Millions 593,88
Sponsor round about 47 Millions
Bonus that i will receive
League between 80 Million for Rank 6 to 105 Millions for Rank 1 so lets say 90 Millions for fourth
Bonus per game 47,58 Millions
CUP List of Bonus for each Round (4,1 6,16 8,2 10,66 14,86 18,02 11,7 and 3,51) Result 77,21 Millions
CL no exact Values here-.- but round aboout 6,5 Millions each Game before 1/8 final, let say 8 Million for 1/8 final 10 for 1/4 12 for 1/2 15 for Final and 5 for Wining this will be round about 119 Millions
Selling 5 Players^^ from last season(each for cheapest Price about 78 Millions each) 390 Million
Selling 2 Zero-Token-Player from Youth academy for cheapest Prize 78 Millions 156 Millions
Merchandising Regular Games 4,4 to 5 Millions each game 24 Games at home (Math was taken with 4,5 Millions) 108 Millions
Merchandising FM about 1,6 Mill each game 156,8 Millions
Total sum 2159,87 Mills A lose of 208 Millions in a PERFECT Season . 35 Tokens available from TV-Sponsor 10 Token for buying this 5 Players (ok this can be a little bit difficult^^ but this season i bought 10 18y 5stars for together 12 Tokens^^) means 25 Tokens left each Season to spend. Each 4 Seasons (all Seasons had to be PERFECT) a lose of 832 Million an 100 Token to spend 85 Token means actually 536 millions from the bank, results in 296 Million lose in 4 Seasons (74 Millions per Year)
ANd this means when you spend NO Bonus in only 5 Matches (For example the last two Games in CL after qualifiying for 1/8final and the last three Games in League because you should be Champ there at this time) each season will save 75 Millions each seaon, so there would be no lose of Money and no need to Buy token^^.
Of course it belongs to make the FM consequently, and i said i stay at the FM´s, BUT i didn´t say its to get the Money. Its to get the GREEN and Blue PACKS^^
Time to plan 4 FM´s? hmm about 1 minute to change the squad from A to B, 2 Minutes to check how much FM´s i could make, and 2 Minutes to plan them (i make this games against much weaker opponnents like my Wife:-D:-D)
so it doesnt take much time in effort.